chapter seven

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Kara yawned, messily tying her hair into a tight ponytail. Janie strolled behind her, and lightly nudged her shoulder. "Late night, huh?"
Kara smiled back nervously, adjusting the cuffs on her striped button down. "Definitely."
"Danvers! Vasquez! Get to work!"
"Yes, Mr. Carr!" Janie and Kara yelped in unison, retreating to their stations.
It was just them on deck that day, so Kara took register (with her beautiful smile) and Janie took barista (with her incredible ability to make foam leaves).
Nervously readjusting the straps on her apron, Kara absentmindedly said to the customer, "Hi, my name is Kara, what can I get for you?"
The customer was silent, so Kara looked up and smiled.
"Wait, you're Kara?"
"Kara Danvers?"
Hearing her last name made her uneasy. "Yes, uh, why?"
The patron- a young girl, maybe 23, with blonde locks- dropped her jaw. "Like, girlfriend of Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers?"
Kara chuckled weakly. "Um, yes, that's me. What can I get you, Miss..."
"-Eve!" the girl stuttered, a smile growing on her face. "I'm a huge fan of Lena's videos, and if you, too!"
Kara nodded, her eyes wide and anxious. "I, um, I'm glad to hear that! T-thank you?"
"Oh! Wait!" Eve reached into her bag, and hastily pulled out a notepad. "Can I get an autograph?"
Kara turned to Janie in worry, who mouthed, What's going on?
"Um," Kara stammered, "sure!" She plucked a pen from her apron pocket, and scribbled a signature. "Now, what can I get you?"
"Oh!" Eve laughed, grabbing the notepad as if it was a dear prized possession. "A mocha frappe. And," she leaned in, "I'll pay you a little extra for Lena Luthor's personal cell."
"One mocha frappe coming right up!" Kara yelped, and quickly retreated from the register.
"Janie!" she whispered. "That lady over there asked me for an autograph and Lena's number!"
Janie nudged her coworker playfully, and teased, "so I guess I'm famous by association, like the Kim Kardashian to your Paris Hilton- pre-sex tape, of course."
"Janie, this isn't funny!" Kara scolded, furrowing her eyebrows in fear. "They know who I am, they know everything about me!"
"Get used to it, Danvers," Janie replied, beginning to make Eve's drink. "It'll grow on you."
On her fifteen minute break, Kara whipped out her phone.

l: what's wrong? are you hurt?
l: what did you do?
k: i gave her the autograph and avoided the cell question helppppp do you do this everyday?!
l: i know what you need. we're going clubbing.
k: won't they recognize me?
l: i find that starling city doesn't have as many fans as national city does. do you want to go out with me, kara? ;)
k: i would like that more than anything, miss luthor

A/N: hey! sorry this chapter is so short, but i think you'll like the next one. comment which character you want to see next in the story! <3

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