a final note from the author

3.5K 60 5

I haven't been on Wattpad in a small while! It's strange- familiar, but still refreshing.

This story has reached 10k since I've been on, and I just... wow.

I've been reading through the comments, and they've warmed my heart. It astounds me that people from not only English-speaking countries, but across the globe, have read my story, and fallen in love with Kara and Lena just as much as I did with that first chapter.

You all have not only greatly increased my confidence in my writing abilities, but opened my eyes to a whole new community of authors, readers, and fans, who have created their own support network. You were all kind enough to invite me into this society, and it has changed my life in a way that I would have never predicted.

I've decided to finalize this book- I've decided to stop adding author notes and updates, and just leave it here for anyone to look back on if they please. I haven't updated the sequel in almost a month- time's been flying! I've actually been working on a personal story of my own, one that I don't think I'll be uploading to Wattpad. Maybe eventually in the future, but certainly not anytime soon.

I just wanted to write this final note to thank you all for joining me on this journey. Your comments, votes, and reads mean much more than you could ever know.

So, thank you all for your time and love.

(PS: If you ever want to chat, feel absolutely free to just message me on here! I'd love to get into a friendly conversation! Also, if you ever have a quick story or writing piece that you'd like me to write, just let me know! We can discuss, and I'll see what I can do. 😉)

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