chapter ten

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"You're doing it again."
Kara could hear the slight teasing, slight admiration in Lena's voice. "Doing what?" She mumbled absentmindedly. She was pacing back and forth of the door.
"The thumb thing," Lena chuckled, strolling over from her position on the wall to her nervous girlfriend. She took her fiddling fingers in her own, gently rubbing the knuckles. "We'll be fine, I promise."
"I- I know they'll like you," Kara sighed, "that's not it, I just..."
"You don't know how they'll take the you part."
Kara groaned, throwing her head in her hands. "I've only ever dated guys, Lena, and now that I'm dating a girl, I'm just worried."
"Darling," Lena soothed, continuing to rub her hands, "they love you. They'll accept you, no matter what."
Before Kara could answer, the door swung open. "You're here!" Winn greeted, before hesitating and glancing at Lena. "And you brought a friend?"
"Yep!" Kara replied nervously, giving Lena's fingers a quick squeeze behind their backs. "I sure did. Is everyone else here?"
"Uh, yeah-"
"Cool!" Quickly releasing the hand in hers, she speed-walked in the apartment to see Alex, Maggie, and James, sitting around the kitchen island. They were setting up a game of Monopoly (obviously Winn's choice). "Hi guys, this is Lena Luthor, my... friend." Saying the word friend felt so wrong to her.
Alex and Maggie merely waved, but James' jaw dropped. "Lena Luthor. Y-you're Lena Luthor."
He fumbled over his own feet as he practically ran to shake her hand. "I'm James Olsen," he said, looking at the Luthor with wide eyes. "I'm a writer for the NCOP- National City Online Prophet, of course."
"Lovely to meet you," Lena said, slightly amused. "Are you... a fan of my videos?"
"It's not that," he stuttered in reply, "it's just - my boss has been practically begging me and my colleagues for an interview with you, and one just walked through the door. Would you- would you mind me interviewing you?"
Lena turned to Kara. "Would that be alright?"
Kara shrugged. "Up to you, ba- uh, buddy. Buddy friend."
Lena winked as they walked over to the table.
"So, Miss Luthor-"
"Please, call me Lena. We're playing monopoly with wine glasses, this isn't exactly a formal interview."
James chuckled, and agreed, "Alright, Lena." Kara narrowed her eyes. Did his voice sound different?
"So, what is it like being such a famous figure in makeup, Youtube, and inspiring women?" James asked, preparing his dominant hand to take careful notes.
"It's been an honor," Lena said graciously, "and I am so incredibly humbled that I get to shape the young girls of our future through the body positivity that I try to display through my videos."
James smiled slightly, his face soft. "Perfect answer. Uh, can you tell me a little bit about your family?"
A shadow passed over her face, only seen by Kara. Below the table, she grabbed her hand and squeezed it. Lena cleared her throat. "Well, we aren't exactly very close. Next question?"
James furrowed his eyebrows, but muttered, "alright, no problem. Lena-"
Alex groaned from the other side of the table. "Guys, we haven't even started the game yet. Kara, you go first, please. This interview will be the death of me."
Kara laughed, and grabbed the dice. "Well," she began, "I have to agree that the interview is a little bit boring. Ask some fun questions, James!"
"Okay, okay," he relented, smirking as he watched Kara trot her terrier across the board. "Are you... seeing anyone?"
The terrier fell out of Kara's hands, clattering against the table. Maggie raised an eyebrow, glancing between Kara and Lena. "You alright, Little Danvers? You seem a little tense."
Kara served Maggie a severe glare. "Totally fine, Sawyer. All good. Just clumsy, that's all." With a shaky hand, she retrieved the dog token and continued to move it along the game board. She was carefully listening to hear what Lena had to say.
"You obviously don't watch my videos," Lena mused jokingly, watching Kara out of the corner of her eye. "If you did, you would know that I'm dating someone."
James blinked, but responded, "and who's the lucky guy?" His voice was quieter than usual.
"Well, it's-"
"Me," Kara finally choked out. "It's me. She's dating me."
All eyes fell on Kara, who was gazing at Lena softly. The table was silent, not a single sound penetrating the air. Terrified, she glanced around, watching James' face fall in confusion and ever so slight betrayal, watching Winn fit together the puzzle pieces (LL, the followers, the secrecy), watching Alex process the situation with her. Rain began to hit the roof, delicately at first.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you," Kara whispered, speaking exclusively to James and Winn. "I was just scared."
Maggie wiggled her eyebrows. "Well, I knew even before Alex told me," she taunted. "The way you two look at each other? You're giving Alex and I a run for our gay money."
James stood up from the counter, hastily grabbing his notepad and bag. Everyone could feel the tension emanating from him. "It was, uh, nice meeting you, Lena." He gave Kara a deathly stare. "Nice seeing you, Kara," he stated, unfeeling, "but I think I'll be heading home now."
The rain outside became torrential.

A/N: prepare for some Kara and James angst! don't forget to comment- can you specifically comment your favorite character? It can be any of the people mentioned in the au, like barista Vasquez or reporter James. thanks for reading! <3

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