Why you so obessed with me?

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What happened three years ago:

"Honey. I know how much you love him, but you don't need people like Dean around you." My mother's scratchy voice said calmly.

This feud had been going on ever since Dean I got together when we were 15.

"I don't want you seeing him anymore!" my father shouted.

I watched as Dean kicked the dirt and sucked his teeth outside our doorway. He was the type of boyfriend who'd throw rocks up to your bedroom window to sneek you to a concert or something when your parents were being unpredictable. I loved him truly, but my parents always wanted to make our relationship harder than it was.

"Lila, we just want the best for you. Now we don't want you seeing Dean anymore. Go pack your suitcase. Your flight leaves tomorrow." my father showed me to the door.

I made my way outside and closed the door behind.

"You're parents fucking hate me" he laughed

How could he laugh at a time like this? I was no longer going to see him again.

"But I love you and they don't want us to be together." The tears started draining down my face.

I looked up when Dean held my hand and a tear escaped his eyes too.

"I'll always love you, Lila." he said before kssing me softly.

"Lila, get in now!" my mother shouted.

I waved Dean goodbye, went inside and closed the door. No longer would I see that smile that brightened up my day or hear the stupid jokes that made me laugh. All of that would be over.

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