Another obession gone wrong

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I waited for Kellie to come out of the drug store. Her mom Miranda was sick so she had to pick up a few things. Finally she came out and took the passenger seat of my car.

"Got everything you need?" I turned to her.

"Yeah...Thats about it" she searched in the bag.

"Cool." I started the engine and started driving to Kellie's house. 

I drop her off then start for my house. Its pretty far so I just play music on my radio to pass the time. I finally reach and turn off the car engine by taking out the keys. How else? I jog up the porch stairs and unlock the house door

"Mom. I'm home!" I yell.

There is no reply.

"Mom!" I call again.

I look inside her bedroom, but she isn't there. I look in my room and she's not there either. So I move onto the kitchen and she's not there. My heart was racing. I walked through the hallway where I saw a trail of blood leading into Leon's room. Should i keep going? I pause. I've lost my father and I can't lose my mother too. Maybe I should just call the police because i wouldn't be able to bare it. But I women up and there before my brother's lifeless body. There was a knife in the middle of his chest. I turned to look away as the acid tears came rolling down my cheek. Why was I losing everyone I loved? I took my cell phone and began calling the police. Some minutes later they arrived with my mother following behind.

" Los Mios!" she grabbed me into a bear hug.

We were mexicans) Los Mios= My family!

"We're falling apart, mami. First papi then Leon. I cant take this anymore" I sniffed.

I watched as they put Leon's body on a stretcher and covered his body with a sheet. Five minutes later Kellie rushed in almost trampling an inverstigator.

"Are you okay, Lila?" she ran to my side.

I just wanted to shout "DO I LOOK OKAY?? MY BROTHER JUST DIED!!", but I simply shook my head.

"Things will get better, Lila. I just know it" she said patting my back.


Okay so who else thought her mom was dead... was it only me and I wrote it? lol so comment what u think and vote!!

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