Its just my obesssion

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I woke up lying next to my mother who was still up. Did she even go asleep last night??

"I made breakfast, Lila" she smiled

"Mom, you shouldn't be up" I rubbed my eyes

"Face it, Lila. Whoever is doing this wants me out of the picture. I just want you to know that if anything happens to me I love you" she kissed my forehead

"Mom, don't talk like that" A tear drained down my cheek

"I'll be in the garden if you need me" she got up

"Don't leave the house"  I pulled her back

"Let go, Lila" she ordered

I let go and watched as she left for the garden. I did my hygiene things and put on a white crop shirt with a black bow in the middle, grey sweats and white and black converse. I put my hair in a messy bun then put on my white raybandz.

"Mom, are you okay?" I asked from he kitchen

"Yes, Lila!" she yelled from the garden

"Still...okay?" I asked

"Lila!" she yelled getting annoyed

"Sorry... " I apologized. I just want her to be safe.

My phone started to ring then I went to the guest room to get it. But when I reached to it, it hung up. I looked at the missed call'. It was from an anonymous number. I rolled my eyes then started back to the kitchen.

"Mom! Are you still going to 'Target'?" I asked

There was no answer.

"Mom!" I called one more time.

Still no answer. I made my way to the garden and there still wasn't an answer. Mom was gone. I started searching for my keys, but couldn't find them. I panicked and ran and opened the door. Before me was Allison

"Ali, we gotta get to the police station" I tugged on her sleeve

"Lila, calm down. Whats wrong?" she asked

"My mom is gone!" I shouted

"You're freaking out, your mom just stepped out to Target. She thought if she told you, you wouldn't let her go" Allison admitted

"What?! You let her go!" I pushed past Allison and noticed my mom's red chevy no longer in the driveway.

"Lila, get a hold of yourself!" Allison shook me

I inhaled and exhaled.

"Okay." I said calmly.

"Now... Dean wants us to meet him at his dad's shop"

"How'd you get his number?" I asked

"Uh.. I- He fixed my car yesterday and we switched numbers" Ali said. You could tell she was lieing.

" Oh.. Well come on" I locked the house door and we started towards Allison's car.


Thanks 4 reading!! Comment and vote!! Some drama bout to erupt soon just wait

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