This is my Obessession

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My brother Leon still hasn't talked to me yet since Dad's death. He met Dean the other day and dosen't trust him. He has talked to mom and Kellie though. They all think that Dean might have something to do with it, but Dean was with me the whole time. I sat in the passenger side of Dean's Dad's truck. He was picking up some things from the hardware store. He finally came out.

"Boo!" he scared me.

"Hey, don't do that!" I scolded him.

"Sorry. So you ready to go?" he asked opening his door and taking his seat.

"You took like half an hour in there. Of course I'm ready" I said in a duh tone.

"Oh...So you're ready?" he gave me a nasty smirk.

"Ugh! Seriously.." I shoved his shoulder playfully

He started the engine and we started to drive back to his dad's shop. Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus started to play on the radio and I began thinking of what my mom, brother and Kellie was talking about and I turned off the radio.

"Dean." I called.


"Can I ask you something?" I asked

"Sure. Anything" he smiled not taking his eye off the road.

"Did you kill my dad?"

"Of course not. Why would you ask such a stupid question like that, Lila? " he got angry.

"I don't know. Its just. My mom and brother thinks that." I looked down at my fingers in my lap.

"You know they never wanted us together." he balled up his left fist.

"Kellie thinks so too." I added.

"Traitor" he mumbled.

"Be honest with me." I begged.

"I'm being honest. I didn't kill him"

he said looking me in the eyes then carrying them back to the road.

"Okay, I believe you" I smiled kissing his cheek.

"So...Your mom gonna be home tomorrow?" he asked.

".Yeah. Why?" I asked curiously.

"No reason. Um.....My dad was having a little party at our house and how my mom passed he wanted someone to cater." he said nervously.

"Oh, sure. I'll ask her." I turned in my seat facing my the window and slept the rest of the ride.


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