Obession Revealed

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The past few days have been pretty rough. There was no dad, no Leon and no Kellie. Whoever was doing this was sure to aim for my mother next so I couldn't get my eyes off of her. I sat in my living room and watched as mom knit a scarf. I've been watching her for about an hour now I was seriously tired... I kept faling asleep and trying to stay awake. I caught my eye lids closing when the phone rang. My mother answered it. Her facial expression was confusing. I couldn't tell whether the news was good or bad.

"Okay, thankyou." she hung up.

"What is it?" I asked.

"They have Dean down at the station." she says.

My eyes become large and I don't know what to day.


"They want us to come down there." she finished.

I grabbed our jackets and we raced to my car. We were at the police station fifteen minutes later. We were greeted by two trustee prisoners, and the comissioner. He smiled and shook our hands before taking us into a dark room. Behind it was a glass and a room with a chair and table. Dean sat there boredly playing with his fingers.

"Why is he in there?" I ask.

"Your brother put in a file before he died saying that he thinked Dean killed your father and it was scheduled today we call him up" the comissioner answers.

"Dean wouldn't do anything like that" I shake my head.

"I think you're right. We took fingerprints and ran lie detecting tests on him. Nothing. No sign that he killed your father. By the way I'm Commissoner Marcus"

"I told you he was innocent, mami." I smile.

"But we havent checked for any with your brother and Kellie so you'll be back here thursday afternoon. Well thats all for now." the comissoner calls a police officer and he signals to Dean that he could go.

I run to hug him and he catches me.

"Hey, Dean!" I kiss him on the cheeks.

"Oh, hey Lila. How could you call the cops for me like that?"

"I didn't. Leon filed an investigation on you  before he died" I say sadly.

"Oh. Well I  have to run some errands for my dad. It was good  seeing you, Ms. Maury"

Dean waved to my mom, kissed me on the cheek then left.

"I told you. Perfectly harmless!" I shrugg my shoulders.

We reach back home and I get a text from Allison. She wanted to hang out like we planned. I felt more confident because Commissoner Marcus promised to have some people watch over my mom. I took a shower and threw on some grey sweats, grey hoodie that said 'I woke up like this...Flawless" in bold pink, some pink Doc Martins and I let my hair out. I meet up with Allison at a fast food place name "On the go". I see her wave to me over at a table and I take her offer.

"Hey, Ali" I smile.

"Hey...So whats up with you lately?"

"Nothing much. I just lost my dad, brother and best friend" I put a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Oh..I'm so sorry." she looks down at the menu.

"Its okay. What about you?"

"Well its cool. I'm still single though...What about you? Still date Dean from highschool? You two were a cute couple" she said looking around the place.

"Yeah. We still date. Sometimes it can be hectic though. Its like--" I paused when I saw Dean walking.

"Isn't that Dean there?" Alli ask pointing.

"Yeah. Come on" We go over to him and I tap his shoulder.

"Oh, hey gorgeous. Hey...another beautiful girl I don't know.." Dean winked.

"Hey, this is Allison. From school. Alli, my boyfriend Dean" I introduce the two.

"Hey, Alli" Dean smiled and bites his lips.

"Nice to meet you." Ali returns the smile.

"So...What chu doing here?" I ask feeling awkward from the constant flirting right in my face.

"Getting my dad's lunch." Dean answers.

"K, well I guess we'll see you later." We wave goodbye and go back to the table.

"He is sooo cute" Allison squeals.

"Yeah...He is, isn't he?"

"I can't believe you two have been together for so long. Wow..." Alli's phone beeps and she looks down.

"Whats wrong?" I ask.

" Um... Nothing. I gotta go. Boss wants me to do double shift. I'll check you later." Allison got up and left.

I stretched before noticing she had left her purse. I picked it up and started outside when I heard her talking on the phone.

"Look. We can't keep doing this. I can't keep doing this. Of course I love you. Fine!" she hung up.

"Uh..everything okay?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Of course. Oh, thanks for my purse. Well I'll see ya" she smiles and takes the purse before pulling off into her car.

That was weird....Oh, well..Time to go home


Thanks 4 reading!! More obessions revealed along the way....vote and comment if u want me to update!!

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