The Obession won't stop

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Thats when I saw blood. A trail of blood. I began sweating at the thought of what I had only before me. I saw my father. He laid there lifeless. He swam in a bloody pool. I gasped and started to cry. Who did this? How? Why? I raced for the phone to call the police.

A few minutes later the house was full of police officers and investigators. My mother leaned on my shoulder crying her eyes out. I was no help to comfort her because I had been crying too so seeing my mother crying just made it worse for me. Soon Kellie ran to us.

"Lila, I got your text! What happened?" she asked. She looked like she had just ran a marathon.

"Dad. He's- he's dead." I sobbed.

"How?" she asked tears forming in her eyes.

I seriously didn't know. Two seconds later a police women came over to us. She told us that we were all suspects. Why would I want to kill my own father? I wasn't even home. So two days passed without my dad around. The house was realy quieter and sadder now. Every so often we've been going to the station to answer some questions. Everyone was now a suspect. No one trusted each other like before. We just drifted. I haven't seen Dean since my dad's death. We never went for dinner. So I decided to go by the repair shop.

I found Dean fixing one of the cars. He wiped the grease off of his face and looked up at me.

"Oh. Hey, Lila." he greeted.

I didn't reply. I still haven't got over my dad's death.

"I heard what happened to your dad. I'm really sorry." he said nonchalantly.

"We're all suspects in the house. No one trusts each other and my brother just came back from England and he hasn't said anything to me since he's come back. Do you know how that feels?" tears escaped and drained down my face.

"Don't worry. Besides life will probably be easier without your dad now." he said putting down a wrench.

How could he say that? Life would be easier now? Something just wasn't right. But Dean couldn't have did anything right? He was with me. So it couldn't have been him. Or could it?


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