Love the way u love me

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Authors note( hey guys so this is my first fan fiction" so take it easy on me ok thx:))

Savannah's pov

It's the first day of high school and I'm destroying my room looking for a cute outfit. Ugh why is this so hard. I find my purple tank that is knitted at the top and my dark ripped jeans.

Well I'm up and it's still 5:30AM. I'm a very early riser. so I eat breakfast and grab my bag.

My mom calls for me to get in the car. I do as I am told

So right now we are on our way to my new school. I'm a little nervous because I got bullied at my old school and I really don't want it to happen again.

"Finally were here!" I yell out happily

"Do you have your schedule sweetie"my mom asks me

"Yes mom I got it I'm pretty sure I would get lost if I didn't" I laughed

Well here it goes my first steps towards becoming a known teen, but first the crazy hallways that is like highway 99 on a Saturday just with people instead of cars. fun right. note the sarcasm

"Hey gingy"katie yelled

(a nick am my friends gave me cuz I am a ginger)

"Hey Katie 'sup"i said casually

"Nothing what class do u have right now"

"Ummm I obri"

"Sweet me too" she says with a smile

"Hey have u seen rocky"

"Yep cafeteria you will see him at lunch"

"Cool thanks I can't believe he is a senior" I say

"Wow he sure is old" Katie says

We started laughing are buts off. rocky is one of my best guy friends. he makes me laugh and had an obsession with sloths like his sloth buddy Ellington Ratliff. there goes the bell time to head to class fun right

Authors note

Hey guys so don't worry there will be the other lynch's soon anyways vote and comment some ideas which lynch do u think she should go out with I will update soon.😘

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