Chapter 5

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*one week later*

Savannah pov

finally I am at home alone know worries hakuna-matata.

Ahh life is good, I decided to make myself a peanut butter sherbet chocolate milkshake.

(I know it sounds gross but it is om to the nom)

Ugh I'm so bored

I am on my couch watching young justice drinking my milkshake

I feel my phone vibrate


Hey can I come to your house and hang out


Sure let me txt my mom


Alright red I'll be there in 5



I called my mom is cool with it


After waiting a few minutes rocky is finally here.

"So what do you want to do" I asked

"Let's watch some movies" he said

"Let me guess crazy stupid love" I said

"You know me so well" he said wiping a fake tear

"And then after we can watch the avengers" he said

"Wow you know me so well too" I said pretending to quiver my lip

We laughed our heads off

By the time we got done with crazy stupid love it was noon man I am soo hungry and I have a feeling rocky is too

"So rocky what do u want for lunch" I asked searching my fridge for food

"We have leftover pizza or shrimp linguini or I can make you a meaty meat sandwich" I said


"Alright" I said laughing

"I'll have shrimp linguini and a slice of pizza"

Ahh life is good I started the avengers and sat in thought

"Hey savannah" rocky said

"Yes" i said

"I need some advice on how to ask a girl out" he said scratching the back of his neck

My eyes got big

"Name, age, grade, and pretty factor" I demanded

"Ok well her name is Brittany and she is 17 and she is in my grade and super pretty so about an 11 if it were 1 out of 10"

"Well it's pretty easy just start slow like ask her if she wants to hang out some time and so on" I said

"Well nerd if it is so easy why don't you have a boyfriend" he laughed

I glared at him

"Ok hotshot it's not that easy for girls" I said.

"Now can we please watch the movie" I complained

"Alright" he said while pressing play

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