Chapter 10

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Savannah's pov

So me and Elise are still sitting by the pool when ross calls

"Hey Elise can I borrow savannah for a sec and food is here" he said

"Sure" she said walking inside

"So what's up" I say

"I was wandering something and I've thought about it for a long time" he said and grabs both my hands

"Yes" I say

"Would you do me the great honor of becoming my girlfriend" he says

"Ross yes yes yes" I scream to him

"Ok let's go eat" he said holding my hand

Elise looks at me and ross

"So he finally asked you out huh" she said

"Shut up" I say to her

"I'll be right back I forgot my toothbrush at the house" Ratliff says

He walks and shuts the door behind him Elise, rydel and I go upstairs

"So rydel when are u and Ratliff going to be an item" Elise asked


"Rydel, we all know you two think of eachother more than a family way" I say

"Ok how do u guys know" she asks

"It's pretty obvious" Elise and I say together

"Oh" she said looking Down at her feet

"Hey I have an idea" I say

"What don't leave us in suspense" Elise says

"Well there is the big party over at that teen night club right" I ask rydel

"Ya teen scream blast why" rydel asks confused

"Well why don't we take all of our guys and make u and Ratliff an official item" I say

"Savannah that is genius" Elise says

"Thanks elise, what do u think rydel?"

"Well......why not it could be fun" se says

Ross's pov

"So rik what is up next for r5 any new songs need help with"

"Ya it's the finale song for our album what do you think it should be like" he asked me

Hmmm what do I think

"I think it should be something that is near but not to close to the end"

There's a knock on the door

"Come in" riker yells

It's savannah

"Hey guys what are u doing" she asked curiously

"Just working on a song ross says he thinks it should be something that is near but is not the end"

"That's a good idea ross" savannah said

"Thx savannah got any ideas for titles" I asked

She giggled

"Maybe later me you harry Elise and rydel and Ellington are going on a triple date Ratliff doesn't exactly know yet"

"Oh well if I'm dancing with u then let's go" I said giving her a small peck on the cheek

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