Chapter 11

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Savannah's pov

So we get to the club in rikers car before I can even open my door ross opens the door for me

"Thank you my good gentleman" I say in my best British accent

"Your welcome ma'lady" he said

"Seriously you couldn't have done your best western accents" said Harry

"Aww we can't help it Harry we love your accent so we just mimick it I mean can you blame us" I said

"Aww shucks now you are just trying to butter me up mate" Harry says

"Maybe maybe not" ross says

"Could we just walk in already" says Elise

"alright alright lets go" i said

we walk in the lights flashin all kinds of different music playing people dancing

"wow its just like how i imagined it" i say looking into ross's beautiful brown eyes

"but even better" he says giving me a kiss on my cheek

"lets get our grove on" yells ratliff

we dance all night finally i went up to the DJ and requested one of the best slow songs of 2013 well to me. it starts and ross just smiles he puts his arms aroun my waist and i put my arms around his neck elise and harry do the same thing. then i look at rydel and ratliff standing there awkwardly

"dude start dancing with my sister before i beat you up" says ross

ratliff looks at ross then back at rydel and then smiles rydel lays her head on ratliffs shoulder i look at ross

"this is truly the best song of 2013" i say ross chuckles

"teardrops in your hazel eyes i cant believe i made you cry" ross starts singing along to the song

then i get to my favorite part "i heard your heading east so lets just make our peace so when you think of me you'll smile then I'll smile" i sing

"You really have a beautiful voice" ross says

"so do you" i say

"I wanted to ask you something" ross says


"How is school going"

I freeze into place for a minute and think should I tell him about Isabel messing with me

"Ya it's fine" I say

He looks at me funny than just shakes it off

"Ok well you did good with Ratliff and rydel" he says

I look at them rydels arms around ratliffs neck while head Resting on his on his shoulder

"Ya I'm really happy for them" I say

"Well the night might come to an end even popstars have a curfew" he says

"Ok guys time to rap it up and get in the van" riker says

we all start to walk to the van and ross yells

"everbody make a wish" he says

i close my eyes thinking of my wish and i see ross and i in the future with a family

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