Wing Stop

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savannahs pov

i look up and take a deep breath

"finally i have been dying for some wingstop all week" i say

"i know" ross says with i big smile

"alright lets go in and order" I say

"Hi welcome to wingstop may I take your order" a service woman said with the fakest smile I have ever seen.

"Hi can I have a half teriyaki and half buffalo wings please" I say

"Alright the rest of you" she asks

They look at eachother and say

"Same thing" they say

"So how was everybody day" Harry says I get nervous at the question because honestly mine was freaking awful

"Pretty good" I say total lie i think to myself
"So how are te bands doing" I ask
"Good still working on some songs" Harry says
"Cool anything new" I ask him

"Ya and I have a feeling it will be the best song ever" he said smiling

"How are the boys doing"

"Liam still ridiculously bossy"
"U know it"
"And Louis" I ask curiosly

"Well I'm surprise we aren't dead yet so that's good" he said wiggling his ears
I laughed
"Of course and Niall and zayn"

"Well zayn is still zayn that's pretty much all I can say about him and Niall still eats everything out of the fridge so we are getting Groceries like ever other day" he said

'One hour later'
I look at my phone checking for the time

"Hey guys we better go we are going to be late for class" I say awkwardly

I got tired of sitting in there
"Ugh I'm so full I cant even walk" I said just then ross picked me up bridal style

"This better" he said winking at me
"Way" I said looking at his perfect face
We got in the car and we were on out way

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