Since that day

31 2 1

*2 weeks after phone call*

Ross's pov

2 weeks it has been 2 weeks since Savannah's parents death we had a funeral for them about a week ago

But savannah won't see anyone the only time we see her is either at school or when Liam takes her boxing to let her anger out

She will only see him but won't speak to him

She refuses to speak or see anyone else

She even won't even speak to rocky or Elise

Elise her best friend and she won't even speak to her

I tried to see her but everyone tells me it's not the right time

In the past two weeks she has changed a lot

I'm not even sure what to do

Savannah's pov

I'm not myself I haven't been since that day

Everyone is doing rotations to check on me

It's getting really irritating

They just don't get I want to be alone

Rikers pov

Today it was my day to see how she was doing

Poor kid she is torn up

I walk into her house

What? We've been friends for a while and she is like my little sister

Anyways as I'm walking in I hear crying from upstairs

I run up and open Savannah's bedroom door and see her huddled up by her mirror which is now shattered

Her hair was chopped to her shoulders and the rest was on the floor next to a pair of scissors

I run over to her and hug her and try to calm her down

"Shhhh..shhh...kiddo just let it out" I said as she cries harder into my shirt

She was shaking from the cold air and fear

I looked at her heater

It was at 30 degrees

I turned it up to 70 so she won't

I grabbed a blanket and took her downstairs

I layed her on the couch and then made some soup for her

"Stay here I'm going to clean up the glass in your room and then I want you to explain to me how it happened understand me" I said

She just nodded

I go upstairs and clean everything up when something catches my eye

I dig through her closet and I found I shirt with blood all over

It's probably from the glass

But wait? The glass shattered when I walked in. I will have to talk to her about that but not now later

I finish cleaning and walk back down stairs

She was sitting staring at the tv watching the news

Oh no

She watched the tv out of rage and pain

Savannah's pov

I watched the tv

I was pissed I turned it up

"About two weeks ago to adults both in mid thirties died in a car accident caused by a drunk driver, we have footage of the man running away from the accident" the newswomen said

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