Fun free day

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Ross's pov

"Ross ross man wake up" riker says

I rub my face and started at my older brother


"You guys slept throughout the whole day yesterday and it's now like 10:00 am"

My head shot up so fast that riker and I bonk heads

"Crap savannah Elise Harry and I have school" I say rubbing my head

"Dude you and savannah got a text this morning and mom got a phone call from the school it's a teacher in service day" he explains rubbing his head as well

"On a Tuesday" I say very confused

"I know weird right" he says

"Yeah and I'm guessing that means a whole day of band practice"

"Actually since we have savannah I think we should have a free fun day"

"I'm sorry who are you and where is my uptight brother" I ask

"Oh just shut up and be happy"

"Would y'all quit yapping I'm trying to get some shut eye here" savannah says

I crawl on top of her like a little kid and look directly at her face

"Sorry but guess what time it is" I say

"What time is it" she very cranky

"10:00 am" I said

She sat up really fast to where we ended up bonking heads

"Ok first you have a really hard head and second holy crap we are late we need to get ready we are gonna have to miss breakfast today and I will do my hair in the car and we don't have time for your mom to do your hair so I will just have to do it in the car and-" she yammered on until I interrupted her

"Babe chill it's a teacher in service day"

"On a Tuesday? that doesn't make sense"

"I know"

"So you crawled on me like a little child and woke me up because..."

"I don't know" I chuckled

"I hate you"

I get off of her and lay on my back
And grabbed my chest

"Ouch she shot me she shot me riker do something" I say

"I really don't know man you are the absolutely the weirdest brother ever and that is saying something" riker says

"So I tell you she shot me and you kill me even more what is wrong with you man" I say pretending to cry

"I think it's time to send you to an asylum ross" riker says shaking his head

"I'm fine" I say

"You sure about that" savannah says

I gently nudge her and calm down

"Shut up and yes I am I promise now do you believe me now that I have relaxed" I say

"If it helps you sleep at night" she says

Riker is now on the floor laughing

And savannah chuckles a little

"Whatever who wants pancakes" I say
The others come downstairs

"I do" Savannah says

"Me two" riker says

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