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Christine's pov

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Christine's pov

"No. Jungkook No." I said walking towards my room after a long day of work.

"Oh come on it's gonna be fun!" Jungkook followed behind me.

"Our apartment is going to be trashed up." I said turning to him and rolled my eyes.

"It's just something to congrats you on your job." He shook my shoulders then stopped. His hands were still on my shoulders.

"Do I know them?" I tilted my head. He gave me a 'eh' kind of look.


"And don't tell me their all girls that you will make out in your room..." I said sweeping his hands off my shoulders and crossed my arms.

There was silence. "Exactly." I said shooing him out my room.

I started to change.


I picked up my vibrating phone. "Hello? Jimin?"

"Ah ani, it's Taehyung." I heard him chuckled through the phone.

"Taehyung-ah, where's Jimin?"

"He's right here."

"Christine?" I finally heard Jimin's voice which some reason made my heart beat faster. "The boys and I are here come! I'll pick you up though."

"Ah okay."

"Ask Jungkook if he wants to come too."

"Okay. I'll see you later then."

"Alright cutie bye~"

I walked to Jungkook's room to see that a girl was sitting on his lap and they were making out on the chair. They stopped once they noticed I entered the room.

"There is this thing called knocking unless... if you want to join us..." Jungkook smirked.

"W-Wha-- ew-- no. I just came to ask if you wanted to go to Jimin's but it looks like you're busy."

"Of course I'm busy. So no." He started to suck on her neck.

I quickly ran out of the room and changed.


"I decided we should walk to my place. It takes up more time and we get to spend time together." Jimin smiled as he held my hand and ran his other hand through his hair.

"So, Lee Christine... Tell me more about yourself." He said as we walked.

"Well... My favourite colour is blue. Uhm. I like animals and children..."

"Awe. Not those." He pouted.

"Then what? You ask me questions then." I smiled.

"How are your parents?"

"They divorced because my dad was cheating on her for months. She's a strong young woman living in Canada now. I don't really care about my dad since I never even seen him since I was 2." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh. I'm sorry to ask--"

"No. It's okay. Next question." I smiled.

"So you're the only child?"

"Yes I am."

"Have you dated anyone before?"

I blushed at his words. "Well... once... but I figured out he was a player..." I rolled my eyes and Jimin interlocked his fingers with mine and I looked at him.

"We're here..."


"Oh their here! Their here!" Taehyung yelled when we entered his apartment room.

"Where's Jungkook?" Namjoon asked.

"He said he was busy." I replied.

"Let me guess making out with another girl." Yoongi guessed and I nodded.

"Are you guys..." Hoseok looked at us holding hands as we quickly let go and looked the opposite way from each other. "Awe~ They're both blushing~" Hoseok teased.

"Shut up hyung." Jimin said playfully. "I'll go get us something to drink."

"I will go help him." We escape the awkward tension and went to the kitchen.


"Come on one more!" Taehyung yelled.

I shook my head no. "I'm too drunk." I stood up wobbling and Jimin caught me. "I should be getting home."

"I'll drive you." Jimin wasn't as drunk as me.


"I'll see you tomorrow at work." After Jimin's words I wobbled into my apartment room. Snapping back to reality I see about 10 to 12 girls, red cups everywhere, and the room reeks of alcohal.

"GET OUT OF MY APARTMENT ROOM! SHOO." The girls gave me a disgusted look and walked out.

Stomping to Jungkook's room I see 4 girls all over him. "OUT. NOW." They looked at Jungkook and gave him last kisses before leaving.

"God. You always ruin the fun. Why don't you get yourself here?" I didn't go to him. Instead he came to me putting his forehead on mine.

"You smell like alchohal." I commented.

"You do too." His lips almost touched mine until I tucked my lips in and pulled myself away.

"Ew. Go clean up the mess. I'm going to sleep." I wobbled to my room.

Jungkook's pov

I watched her wobble to her room. Until she fell on the floor.

I ran to her and picked her up bridal style, putting her on her bed and wrapped her in the blanket.

"Why are you so drunk?" I scoffed. Am I actually talking to myself?

Taking out the necklace from my pocket. I miss you so much...

I was walking away until I felt a tug on my wrist. "Don't go." She was mumbling.

I chuckled. "Fine." I crawled behind her, putting the blanket on top of me.

I felt her hand on my mine pulling it and putting it on her waist. I feel super weird...

What's going on there Jungkook?

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