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"Okay Jungkook

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"Okay Jungkook. Go down and play, I wanna sleep."

"Are you sure?"

I went to change and did my night routine as Jungkook waited there before I tucked myself in bed.

"Alright then." I closed my eyes hearing him leave turning the lights off.

A few minutes later I heard it open again.

I put the blanket over my head. "I told you Jungkook I don't want to play..."

There was silence.

"Jungkook?" I took the blanket off my head seeing a man not around here.

There was only the light coming out from the window.

I was scared and didn't know what to do.

I stood up and started to back up into Jungkook's bed as the man walked closer.

He walked closer grabbing my arms.

"Please let go."

He didn't listen and was about to come in for a kiss but I wasn't about to let that happen again.

I kicked his crotch.

He groaned and let go but caught me again as I was about to run.

He slammed me back on the wall but he groaned turning around.

I saw Jungkook.

It was a rough fight before the man pulled out a knife.

"NO STOP." I stood up trying to go to him.

Jungkook was injured badly. He shook his hand, telling me to stay back.

He laid against the wall as the guy stabbed him.

My eyes widened.


Just then the door slammed opened and the man jumped out of the window.

I ran to Jungkook. "No Jungkook please." Tears ran down my face.

I put his head on my knees.

His hand covered his stomach as I put my hand on top of it.


All the boys came to us in shock.

Namjoon called the police asking for an ambulance.

My face was close to his, putting my forhead on his.

Taehyung, Hoseok kneeled down with me and Yoongi rubbed my back.

Jin and Jimin was standing there, Cheol standing behind Jimin.

I raised my head as my tears fell onto Jungkook.

Jungkook's other hand came to wipe my tears.

"Christine... Don't cry, I'm fine."

"No you're not fine Jungkook..." I sniffled.

"I can handle this. Just go somewhere safe. I'm..." He coughed. "A man."

"No Jungkook, I'm not leaving you. Don't
... say that. Yeri's not here to take care of you, and... and she told me to." I cried.

"Hey, shh~ Just tie up that hair of yours."

"They're on their way." Namjoon informed.

Jin's pov

To Christine, I know Jungkook is very special to her. The same goes for Jungkook.

They love each other but they don't show it or say it.

The polices came up and did some investgating as we followed Jungkook  that is now on the cart to the ambulance.

I walked to Christine and she came in to hug me.

I looked to the ambulance and Jungkook mouthed to me, "Take care of her for a while."

I nodded.

We all knew it wasn't going to be safe here so we went back home after they talked to Christine and put some medication on her we went to pack up.

"Namjoon, can you go and help Christine." He nodded.

I packed the suitcases in the car.

I didn't mind driving at this time. It wasn't safe here anyways.

We were in the middle of the road driving. Christine sat in the passenger as the rest settled themselves in the back.

"He'll be okay..." I knew saying that wasn't going to help but she just nodded.


"Come to my apartment room for tonight and we'll see him in the morning." I said and she walked with me to the spare room.

"Th... Thanks Jin."

"Yeah, Just have a break."

Christine's pov

"I want to see him..." I thought tucking in bed.

"I want to see him, I want to hug him..."

I couldn't sleep but cry.

Jungkook makes me feel different towards him than any other person.


The morning came and I stood myself up seeing Jin on the couch.

"Please eat something before we go." He said worried but I shook my head gently. "Are you sure?" I gently nodded.

Then we headed out.

We arrived at the hospital meeting up with the boys.

I was about to run up to the person behind the desk but Jin held me gently.

"Let me."


Wow 2 chapters in a day? Yeah I'm pretty bored.

Okay, I have a surprise that wpn't be surprise anymore since I'm telling you now.

I'm working on my Jimin one!

Dont worry, this story wont end anytime soon!

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