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Kyle was the first one to wake up, good for him, he didn't want Cartman to wake up first and see that he was sleeping with him, he would think Kyle has a thing for him.


Kyle freaked out when Cartman started moving, he tried to get up but the chubby moved his arm on him, he was... kinda stuck. Fuck... I'm so fucked if he wakes up, please fatass move your fucking arm.


The redhead got scared and looked over Cartman, his eyes were still shut, maybe he was talking in his sleep.

"Kahl... s-s-..."

God dammit what it he talking about ?

"S...Suck mah balls... Kahl..."

Kyle would have facepalm if his arms weren't stuck, even if Cartman was a young adult he was still acting childish.

Cartman move again, but this time, his eyes opened slowly, Kyle was panicking and was struggling to get out of his arm.

"-Ugh... damn headache... K-Kahl ?

-... H-Hey Cartman."

There was a big silence, none of them were moving, suddenly Cartman had a big smirk on his face.

"-Cartman don't-

-So cute, you were feeling so bad about what happened yesterday that you slept with me~

-I didn't !

-So why are you here then ?

-B-Because... Um...

-Haha I knew it. Tell me Kahl... do you secretly have a crush on me~?

-I... no.

-Come on, you can tell me

-I said no. Now let me go your fat arm is crushing me."

But Cartman didn't move, obviously.

"-Cartman I swear to god.

-You know that when you're telling me to stop doing stuff it makes wanna do it more~

-And you know that I won't hesitate to hit you in the face when you do that.

-Well, I'm not really worried right now because you can't move your arms at this moment."

It's true, Kyle was totally stuck. Cartman was chubby, but compared to Kyle's skinny body he was completely weak. That was making Cartman smile even more.

"-So, how is it to be the weakest ?

-I honestly wanna kill you now.

-So cute."

Cartman's other hand was petting Kyle's face who was pouting.

"-Don't touch me.

-But your face is so soft~"

The redhead got a pink blush appearing on his face, since when that Fatass was being so sweet ?

"-And... what other part of me is soft?

-I would like to know it, if you would let me...

-...G-Go ahead."

And so, Cartman was moving his hand in Kyle's hair, playing with the orange curls. Kyle couldn't stop his blushing that was getting red.

"Your hair, they're soft too."

Kyle didn't say anything, he let Cartman moved his hand again, this time getting down, patting gently his hands, touching his skinny fingers.

The redhead closed his eyes, letting his mind go, that was so sweet, he didn't think Cartman could make him feel good. He was lost in Cartman's touch.

Until Cartman moved his hand again, getting down again, his hand was close to something... he slightly touched Kyle between his legs. Kyle got out of his thoughts because of the touch, and he got enough strength to get out of the bed and falling on the floor.

"-Are you crazy ?! Who told you that you could touch here ?!

-You seemed like you were appreciating my touch so I continued.

-I did but that's not a good reason to touch me there !

-Oh, so you liked it~

-Hmpf ! F-Fuck you !"

Kyle got up and got out of the room, slamming the door, it made Butters waking up in panic.

"-W-What, E-Eric what happened ?

-Let's just say... Kahl is has a soft body~"

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