Night club

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(*Kyle 2 voice* I'm baaaaack ! Sorry haha got so many problems in my life you can't imagine, but when I got back I saw that you guys were enjoying my story and hoping for me to update soon, so here I am ! Also warning this chapter contains sexual themes)

It's been two months that Kyle and Cartman (and Butters) share the same room. But since a week it was quiet, too quiet. Kyle was happy about that, but also frustrated. Why was Cartman so calm after all the stuff that happened ? He needed to know the truth.
It's Friday, the day's over and the week-end starts, perfect timing.

"-Hey Cartman I was wonderin-

-Sorry Kahl I don't have the time to talk, I'm going out tonight.

-Really ? Where are you going at this hour ?

-To a night club duh, I was waiting since so long and the day finally arrived !"

Kyle hates night clubs, it's always so noisy and stinky. And also full of people that just wanna find a "one night adventure". Why would Cartman to some place like that ?

"I'm going with you." The two of them were suprised about what Kyle just said.

"-Oh hell no Kyle. You're too young for this.

-I'm 19 you fucking idiot.

-Still, you don't have the correct outfit for this kind of place.

-Oh yeah ? What kind of stupid outfit is better for a night club ?

-It's... uh... Listen Kyle, you can't come with me that's all. Good night."

Cartman left the room leaving Kyle alone here. Now Kyle was even more determined to know what was going on. That's why he secretly followed Cartman during the whole trip.

But Kyle wasn't expecting that trip to be long, one hour jeez.
But at least he got to find out where Cartman was going.

"'The dancing bear'... what a shitty name for a night club."

He went inside, and what he saw made him the most embrassed person at the moment.
It wasn't a night club... but a strip club ! And it seemed to be a club for men only. But the most important question was... why Cartman went here ??

Now that he thinks of it, he lost Cartman when he was looking around the place. Where was he ?
Suddenly he heard a voice that was coming from the DJ.

"And now, the one you all waited for, he's young and also very well built he's here to make you fall in love his name is Cupid~"

At this moment Kyle thought he was about to lose his mind. The one they were calling 'Cupid' was actually Cartman ! He was standing on the scene, dancing around a pole.

"Oh my god that's so embarassing." Kyle thought he was about to faint, that's what almost happened when his eyes met Cartman's. He was definetely screwed now.


-Oh my god !!"

Kyle ran away as fast as he could, he was feeling like if he would stop he would never see the sun again. He was running running until he arrived back to the school again.

He went to his room and slammed the door quick, waking up the little Butters (that was back in the closet).

"K-Kyle ? Was is going on are you okay ?"

Kyle couldn't say a single word, he felt like his throat was getting tight. He was remembering over and over what he saw there. He only manage to say a little "Yes..." before going to his bed and hide under the sheets.

He was definetely not ready to know what would happen to him the next morning...

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