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"HEY HEY YOU YOU I DON'T LIKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Is the first thing I hear when I wake up

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"HEY HEY YOU YOU I DON'T LIKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Is the first thing I hear when I wake up. I look at my clock that reads noon. I literally, no exaggeration, roll out of bed.

I stand up put shorts on because all I slept in was a t shirt and my underwear. I towards the stairs and see Avery and Olivia blaring music and jumping around. I look at the kitchen and see they are making pancakes that are now going to be as hard as chips because they aren't paying attention.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO BURN THE HOUSE DOWN?" I scream from the top of the staircase.

They don't hear me so I walk down and shut off the music, quickly gaining their attention. They stop what they are doing and frown at me. I notice Olivia and Avery both holding spatulas so when I point to the kitchen and show them their burnt breakfast, they freak.

Avery turns off the stove and Olivia gets rid of the now crispy pancake. I lean against the counter and smile at them, practically making fun of them.

"We'll just go to iHop or something." Avery gives me a sweet smile before there is a knock on the door.

I go to open it and see Emercyn. I give her a smile before she tells me she is here for breakfast. Apparently the girls told her they would make her breakfast for being so kind to them.

"Yeah they almost just burnt the house down so I wouldn't count on it. I think they decided to go to iHop." I explain to her. She and I start laughing before she walks into the house.

Emercyn makes herself right at home while the girls clean up their mess and get ready for breakfast or should I said breakfast for lunch. Emercyn is dressed in a beautiful sundress and it's so unlike her to be seen in a dress.

"So, Hayden I wanted to ask you something." She turns around, looking at me. Her light green eyes hold excitement but I can tell nervousness as she fiddles with her fingers.

I nod my head as in a way to tell her I am listening. She takes a deep breath and I can't help but wonder what she wanted to ask me. Is it bad? Is it good? It honestly started to worry me.

"Okay, Uhm. H, do you want to be my maid of honor at the wedding?" She asks me. My eyes go wide in surprise that she wants me of all people to be her maid of honor.

"Really? Even after how hateful I have been towards you.." I look away at the memory of how I treated her when she was only trying to protect me.

"Hayden, you had every right to be mad. And yes, really. We've had this planned since we were like ten!" She says with excitement. I smile at the memory before hugging her.

I repeat myself over and over saying yes, of course. How could I deny being the maid of honor for my life long friend. My beautiful cousin.

Avery and Olivia come down stairs before Emercyn asks them to be her bridesmaid. Even though Emercyn has only known them for about a week, she has grown very fond of my best friends and see's us all being close in the future. She mentions Haylee and Cami being the other two bridesmaids as well.

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