twenty one

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Today was the last day of the semester which means summer vacation is finally here

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Today was the last day of the semester which means summer vacation is finally here. I walk to my car in the parking lot when I hear someone say my name from the other side of the parking lot.

I stop and turn around to see a guy walking over to me. He waves and when he is only a few feet away, he runs his hands through his strawberry blonde hair.

"Hayden right?" He asks. I nod my head and look at my car before back at him. How does he know my name?

"I'm Daniel but you can call me Dan. I've seen around the past year and actually we had Zoology together." He laughs, pointing at my now old Zoology book in my arm that I'm planning on throwing out as soon as I get home.

"Yeah we did didn't we!" I laugh.

"Yeah! Well I've been meaning to talk to you sooner because you seem really cool. I'd like to take you out sometime." He says the last part nervously and I feel
guilty at what I have to say to him.

"I'm so sorry, I have a boyfriend." He shakes his head and laughs nervously.

"Don't worry about it. Have a great summer Hayden." He waves before turning around on the ball of his heal and walking away.

I get into my car and take a deep breath before telling Siri to call Emercyn. By the time I am pulled out of the parking lot she answers which a cheery voice.

"How was your last day? One week until you are here!" She seemed super happy today which is different from herself yesterday when she was very emotional.

Lately Emercyn has been pretty moody and bipolar when we talk on the phone but I know it's the pregnancy. Every time we FaceTime it seems like Grant is bigger than before in the small belly of hers. She's just about 6 months.

"Okay. This guy asked me out and I had to tell him I had a boyfriend and I felt bad because he said he's been meaning to ask earlier so he's been planning on it for awhile." I explain as I turn into my apartment complex due to it not being far away from the community college at all.

"Awe poor guy." She sighs.

"I know!" I get out of my car after parking it in my usual spot. "So why are you so happy?"

"Because Ethan is taking me on a date tonight and I was going to tell you that the boys are going to take us to NYC when you are in town to go shopping!" She explains to me before I hear her say my name and then someone else's voice is heard.

"Really? I'm really in need for a shopping trip! Hey I'll call you later Eric is over to help me build a new dresser in my room." I tell her. We exchange goodbyes and I love you's by the time I walk inside my house.

Eric is in the living room reading a magazine while I can here Olivia and Alek laughing in her room. No sign of Mason or Avery... weird. Eric's head pops up and when he see's me a smile plays on his lips.

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