twenty four

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Grayson's POV-

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Grayson's POV-

"Look at that candy store!" Hayden says in shock. I laugh as she pulls on my arm towards it.

"OOOH CANDY!" Ethan says like a little kid.

"Ethan come with me?" Hayden asks and then looks at me. "You and Em can go do something while we get candy!" She says excitedly. I shrug my shoulder because I didn't mind. I had something in mind I wanted to do.

"That sounds fine. Gray, let's go to Forever21." Emercyn says, winking when she looks to me. She already knew what I was up to.

"Okay. We'll call you when we're done." Ethan tells us, kissing Emercyn on the lips.

"Have fun and stay with Ethan." I tell Hayden as I kiss her before kissing her forehead as well.

Emercyn and I walk down the street and I began to grow nervous. My hands grow clammy even though I know this is going to be one of the best decisions of my life.

"Calm down Gray. She'll love it." Emercyn reassures me as we enter the jewelry shop.

Almost immediately a man in a suit asks what we are looking for today. I tell him an engagement ring and he asks if it's for Emercyn which sends us both into laughter. We explain she is getting married to Ethan and that I want to propose to Hayden. So badly.

Emercyn helps me pick out a ring that she thinks and I think screams Hayden. It's simple but absolutely beautiful and unique. When I saw it, I knew it was the one and I didn't and still don't care what the price is.

We know the size thanks to Emercyn being sneaky and trying on her rings to see the size. Luckily, they are the same size. We get the ring and Emercyn puts it in her purse so she wouldn't suspect a thing.

We were right on time because as soon as we left the store, Ethan began to call Emercyn to let us know they were done. We got back over to the candy store and I can see Hayden standing next to Ethan while she talks with the biggest smile on her face. God, she is something else and oh so beautiful.

When we walk up to them, Hayden and Ethan turn towards us and ask us what we did. We told a little lie and said we went to some stupid game store and didn't recommend them going.

"Wanna try this?" Hayden asks. I nod my head and grab a piece of her candy and pop it in my mouth before leaning down to kiss her soft lips.

When I pull away, her beautiful smile is played across her lips and her cheeks are flushed. I want to spend the rest of my life with her and only her. I want to wake up to her beautiful face and her soft, innocent, and quiet voice. I want to hear her laugh every second of everyday. I want to make a future and build a family with this girl because I am one hundred percent crazy for her and absolutely in love.

After we do a little shopping we decided to head back to hotel to get ready for our date night with the girls. Which I am so excited about.


Hayden's POV-

After all the candy I ate, I feel like I'm going to puke. I wish someone would have told me no, especially since we are going to dinner. I hold a hand over my swollen candy baby while I let Emercyn do my hair.

"So where do you think we are going?" I ask her as we get ready.

"Dunno. I just know somewhere fancy." She smiles. I nod my head as she finally finishes and I start to do my make up.

I do a little more than usual with a smokey eye and fake lashes. It takes my eyes a second to adjust since I haven't worn a pair since senior prom. I get off the chair and put on a black tube top with stripped dress pants and black heals. Simple but fancy.

Emercyn struggles with her dress due to her belly growing faster than we realize. I try to help and pray to god we don't rip the zipper on it.

"Okay, Grant. Shrink for mommy for just tonight yea?" Emercyn talks to her belly as she lets out a big huff.

"Do you have a back up?" I ask. She nods her head and grabs another dress.

This one finally slips on her like a glove and we high five. We stand in front of the mirror and take a picture together for our social medias because when you look this good, you can't NOT post a pic.

Theres a knock on the door that connects to Emercyn and Ethan's room which is where the boys are. I open the door to see the two boys standing there with bouquet of flowers for us.

"Boys." I place a hand over my chest in awe as Ethan walks past me and hands Emercyn her favorite which are Lillys.

"I got you your favorite." Grayson tells me, handing me the white roses.

I wrap my arms around his neck and place a soft kiss to his before pulling away and smiling like a fool.

"You're amazing." I kiss his cheek and just lace our fingers while we look at Emercyn and Ethan.

"Are you guys ready?" E asks us. We nod our head before they lead us to the car.

We arrive to a very tall building and I'm quite confused. It doesn't look like a restaurant at all. We park in valet and walk up to the doors of the tall fancy building. The whole way to the door, Grayson's soft warm hand is at the small of my back due to fans and paparazzi's arriving.

Grayson's grip tightens when someone calls my name and asks questions. I block out the questions as I focus to keep my head down so the blinding lights of the cameras don't distract me.

I've never seen the fans that crazy before. I mean, I've always seen so many at one time but not ... not like this. The boys have gotten so big so It doesn't surprise me one bit but it is a bit scary.

We take an elevator to the top floor. The ride is silent, especially Emercyn and I. We've always had an elevator phobia since we got stuck in one together at a hotel when we were seven. The doors finally open and we walk in.

My eyes immediately feel like they are going to fall out of their sockets at the restaurant. The restaurant with the 360 view of New York City. My hand flies to my mouth before I turn to Grayson.

"This is amazing." I tell him as I wrap my arms around his left one while we follow the hostess to our table.

The view is absolutely stunning. All the lights from the city and the stars blow me away. I almost feel as if I am dreaming while looking out into one of the most beautiful cities.

The whole time at dinner, Grayson and Ethan are spoiling us with our favorite food and desserts. The smile on Grayson's face does not fall once and every so often I catch him staring at me. Im in awe of this man and wouldn't trade him for the entire world.

The desserts were so amazing. We each ordered something different so we could try more than one thing. I got a chocolate cheesecake because it's my all time favorite and this place, is the best I have ever had. To the point I didn't even want the others to take a bite.

After dinner and when we arrive at the hotel, Grayson and I part way with Emercyn and Ethan to our room. He immediately attacks me with kisses on the neck completely taking me by surprise. I couldn't resist it.

"Baby, I've been waiting all night to do this." He smirks as he picks me up and tosses me of the plush and fluffy hotel bed.

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