Dear Diary,
My name is Mason. I'm no stranger to how these things work but I am completely freaking out. I have never been faced with such a challenge, not my first shift, not telling my girlfriend Stacy what I am, not even my fight with Jax.
No, this is gonna ruin my psyche if everything goes wrong. I'm wearing a tux as I write this. A freaking tux! its so scratchy and stiff. I think I might be getting a panic attack or something. No there is no time to worry about that. I need to pick her up soon anyways.
By the way if you haven't noticed yet. It is Valentine's Day and I cannot afford my date with Stacy to go wrong in any way. There is a full moon coming up in a few weeks or so but I am no longer dependent on the moon to shift. I can do it at will at any point of the day almost instantly.
I'm taking Stacy to a wonderful dinner date at a really good restaurant called the cheesecake factory. It's an amazing place but really puts a dent in my budget every time we go so I have kept it to only special occasions like this. I've got this whole date planned, and i think it'll turn out well. Here's how the schedule looks like.
As I write this I'm flipping through the channels waiting for 7:30 PM to hit. That is when I am to leave my house and head towards Stacy's house. I get to her house at 7:35 PM and we travel to the restaurant and arrive at 7:50. The appointment is at 8:00 and by then we will be ordering and chatting and whatever the Hell we want. I'm anticipating to not leave until around 9:30 PM at which point I take her home and possibly chat some more. Wherever the date goes from there is up to her but if we get out earlier then 9:30 then there will still be time to take her to a movie and reasonably be home at a good time.
I'm thinking all this as I write but I am now seeing a news station of how for the past few days there have been multiple homicides in the area. Mostly young woman but men have also been found dead. I'll be on alert tonight just in case someone decides it will be funny to kill a young couple on a date, they'll regret it. anyways it is 7:20 PM right now and I am starting to be very jumpy. I wonder who might be killing people around my town.
That's right. I forgot to mention that I am now the self appointed protector of my city. I thought it was a good idea seeing as to how I am the only supernatural being here to my knowledge. But I'm taking a real good look at the bodies being displayed on screen and I can't tell much of anything since the resolution is such crap quality.
7:25 PM. I still have time. I take a look at the screen and notice that the kill had happened not too far from my school. almost at the entrance of the forest that borders my town. I'll check it out tomorrow. 7:28 PM. OK I need to be out of my house in exactly one minute so that i leave by 7:30 PM. Mason out.
P.S. - God, how I have missed saying that.
Mason's Diary
LobisomemIt's been 4 months since the fight with Jax. Mason has full control over his supernatural side and Stacy still loves him. Things are looking up for him. That is until he starts to notice an increase in violent and unnatural murders. He plans on pro...