Chapter 30

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Jack's P.O.V:

"uh...hello?" I asked the mysterious girl on the other line.

"Baby! I missed you! Why haven't you called?" She asked me.

"I'm sorry, who is this?"

"Baby don't be silly. You know who this is!" She once again replied.

"I honestly have no idea who this is." I told her in a more stern voice; hoping she would stop calling me 'baby.'

"Don't you remember? At MagCon? It's Rachael!"


"Yeah.... Um, about that-"

"Why haven't you called? Who have you been with? What have you been doing with her? What's her name? Do I know her? Is she prettier than me?" She stated while asking me all these ridiculous questions.

"I don't should know her, and she's definitely prettier than hard feelings though." I told her.

I didn't realize it was mean until after I said it.


"Look I'm sorry I just love Anna and don't want anything to jeopardize that." I said back in a slightly nicer tone.

"SMACK CAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

god dammit.

I forgot that the guys were still next to me.

Aaron just got smacked. Hard.

I speed walked away so they wouldn't ask questions, and so I could take to Rachael in private.

"Don't be sorry." She replied back.

"Really?" I asked her, expecting that she would've started crying or something like that: overreacting over the phone.

"Yes really. If you love her, you can have her. I just hope nothing comes between you guys..."

I started to thank her but before I could she had already hung up. I didn't think a big deal of it that she said she hoped everything would work out for us. Even though she was taking it really well...

I ran back over to the guys only to hit Taylor with some whip cream I found on a breakfast cart backstage.


Rachael's P.O.V:

if he thinks he can get away for dumping me for that little slut, he's sadly mistaking.

Maybe I can't victimize Jack directly; but I can sure as hell hit him where it hurts.

I wonder what Anna's twitter is.

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