The Hospital

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^time skip awayyy^
Ashlie's POV:
"Thank you for taking him on such a short notice." I thanked the doctor again.
"It's fine." He smiled brightly. "It's a slow day." He was about 6'1, blonde, and 17, a year older than me.
I laughed a little. "It's a small town, it's always a slow day!"
"Guys, we have something to address...Tommy's kinda dying here." Nick said.
"Right, how fast can you have him out of here?" I became serious.
The doctor looked at the clock. ", we can have out by..tomorrow morning."
"Are people close to the patient allowed to stay in the room the whole time?" Nick asked quickly.
"Family. That's it, I'm afraid. Are either of you family?" The doctor picked up his clipboard.
We looked at each other, then the doctor. "Yes, siblings."
"If you want to there's a couch in the corner, take a seat." The doctor gestured us over to it as he walked to the door. "You guys want some Starbucks, or Subway while I'm at lunch?"
Coolest doctor ever.
"I'd like a Turkey Italiano, please." Nick laughed. "Everything on it."
I contemplated for a bit. "A Vanilla Bean Frap? Any size is fine."
"Got it, see ya in twenty minutes. By the way, I'm Doctor Kenner, just so you know." He smiled as he left the room.
"He's cool." I looked at Nick. "I like him."
"So..what'cha wanna do for twenty minutes?" Nick looked uncomfortable.
"Well, Nick. It's seems I know a lot about you-" I started.
Nick put me on pause. "Wait, how do you know my name?"
"If you'd let me finish, and, everyone knows you. You're popular." I smiled. "But, if you're going to be Tommy's boyfriend, and as Tommy's best friend, you need to know a few things."
"Like what?" His head tilted.
"Like, getting to know his friends. Hi, I'm Ashlie, nice to meet you." I stuck out my hand.
He shook it. "Hi, I'm Nick, nice to meet you, too. So, where's his other friends? Can I meet them, too?"
I stuck out my hand again. "Hi, I'm Ashlie, nice to meet you."
He shook it..again. "You're his on- is he new to the school, or something?"
"Yea, was homeschooled, but his doctor said it was bad for his health, so now he goes to school."
"What else do you need to know? Oh- his boundaries." I began.
"Boundaries?" Nick asked.
"Yup. One: family...not the best convo starter when it comes to Tommy. Two: he loves music...that's his massive escape."
He laughed. "Isn't music like, everyone's escape?"
"Not listening to it..playing it. He sings, plays guitar, piano, and harmonica. Three: Rom-horror are his favorite kind of movies. Four: he loves video games."
"Me too. I love all types of games." Nick enthused.
I smiled super big. "No way, me too! Sometimes, me and Tommy Skype while playing together. You could join us sometime..?"
"That would be great!" Nick hugged me.
Wow. Tommy's boy-toy is hugging me? Slow down, we just met, Nick. But, I secretly never wanted it to end. He was so cute, sweet, and kind-hearted. Why couldn't he be mine?
Ashlie! You have a boyfriend! How could you even think of taking him?! Who am I kidding? I'll never get him anyway. He's Tommy's, not mine.
Tommy it's okay, I won't take him...
At least, not yet

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