One - First Day

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"Oofh!" Kagami exclaimed as he fell back to the ground, the contents of his book bag spilling over the ground. He gathered up his things, not even looking at the person who had run into him. "Geez, look where you're going." He stood up and was face to face with tan skin and navy blue eyes. "A-Aomine?"

"You look where you're going," Aomine stared back at him, wide-eyed, "What are you even doing here?"

"Tch," Kagami let out an annoyed breath, shouldering his book bag, "I'm on my way to class, what else?" He didn't mean to be so snappy, he was just running late to his first college lecture and he didn't have time to stop and talk with Aomine, however much he wanted to.

"Fine, just go already, I'm already late for class." Aomine snapped back, he turned on his heel and started walking. Kagami watched for a moment before he realized that he had to go the same way. He waited long enough so that Aomine was some distance away before starting walking again. He didn't need this to be any more awkward than it already was.

He lost sight of Aomine after a minute and felt like he could breathe again. He hadn't seen Aomine all summer, they'd played one on ones during the school year when they didn't have practice or games, but after they both graduated high school, they just kind of stopped talking. Kagami wasn't sure why, it actually made him sad. He figured it was better though, because by the end of the summer, he was going through his change to get his gender and it had been a long, painful month. Honestly, he wasn't sure that it was completely over. He didn't feel as intense pain anymore, but it still hurt sometimes. Only now, the pain was enough for him to take a painkiller and be fine to function for the day.

He kept walking to class, everyone was milling about to their own lectures. By the time he'd gotten to the right lecture hall, there were only two seats left in the back. He took the one on the inside so that if anyone else came, they wouldn't have to walk over him. He got his notebook out, trying to pick up with the professor's introductions. He didn't really care about his classes too much, he joined the university basketball team and planned his curriculum around what would let him go to practice and games. He was anxious for the first practice today, today the coach would figure out what positions the newcomers would play and whether not anyone was good enough to be on the first string team. Kagami really hoped he'd make it. He knew he was good, he'd done his best to keep up practice over the summer. He just didn't know who his competition would be.

Kagami was pulled from his thoughts when someone sat down in the last seat next to him. The guy let out a long exasperated sigh, kicking his feet out into the aisle and leaning as far back as the chair would allow. Kagami swore he recognized that sigh, he dared glance to the side and the person sitting there was Aomine.

[an: what do you think of this start? I'd love to hear your thoughts!]

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