Twenty Seven - Feeling Sick

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Kagami was sitting in class again, eyes closed. Only this time, he wasn't tired. In fact, he felt like he might throw up... He rubbed his forehead, wishing his change would just be over. It felt like it was taking months for his body to even do anything.

Aomine leaned over in the chair next to him. "Kagami, are you okay? You look kinda pasty."

Kagami shook his head. He whispered, "I dunno. I feel kind of sick."

"Go to the doctor." Aomine said so matter of factly.

"I can't get in on this short notice."

"Sure you can, there's the campus clinic and they have a priority for college athletes." Aomine placed the back of his palm to Kagami's forehead. "You're burning up."

Kagami nodded slowly, it made no sense to argue, especially when he was already feeling so poorly. "Okay, I'll go after class is over."

Of course, waiting for class to be over now felt like it was taking forever. He couldn't focus and he couldn't take notes. He kept trying to pull his jacket tighter around him. He was so cold despite Aomine saying he was burning up. Finally, the class was over and Kagami packed up his things.

"Want me to go with you?" Aomine's gaze was glued to Kagami.

Kagami shook his head. "I'll make it there, I'll call you if I need help."


"Promise." Kagami smiled. They both walked out of the lecture hall, but Aomine turned to go to practice and Kagami went in the direction of the campus medical clinic.

Kagami walked into the clinic and smiled at the receptionist. They checked him in and told him to take a seat. Kagami did go sit down and waited for the doctor. The clinic seemed pretty quiet, so hopefully the wait wouldn't be long.

"Kagami Taiga-san?"

Kagami looked up when his name was called. He nodded and stood up, following the doctor back to the patient room.

[AN: yeah, this update is short, I'd apologize, but I wrote this at 1am because I was trying really hard to post it on the 14th and this was as close as I could get when I just wasn't feeling very good personally. I hope you enjoy this update! I will have more soon! Check my update calendar on my page and my IG ( ) and get early access to updates and exclusive stories on my Patreon! ( ) If you like my work, consider supporting me, it's what helps keep me being able to post more fanfics for you guys!]

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