Fourteen - Heading to Aomine's Place

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Before he knew it, it was already Friday afternoon.  Kagami was walking out of the locker room with Aomine.  Aomine promised to take him back to his apartment.  Kagami was almost a little scared to be alone with him again.  He wasn't worried that he couldn't be with Aomine, the pain had gotten mostly better since the beginning of the week.  He just felt like his heart might break if Aomine ever wanted to stop this seeing each other casually.

He looked up at Aomine, studying his face as they walked down the street.  Aomine looked as straight faced as ever, if anything, he just looked tired and bored like usual.  Kagami didn't know if that was a good sign or not.

Kagami swallowed, "Aomine..."

Aomine glanced to the side, smirking at Kagami, "Yeah?"

"This... you and me," Kagami shrugged a little, "What am I to you?"

"You have to ask?"  Aomine stopped walking, resting his hand on Kagami's shoulder.

Kagami almost immediately dropped his gaze.  He just felt so... embarrassed for asking.  He shrugged, still not looking at Aomine, "It's just... I like... you."

"And you have to ask about me?"  Aomine let out a melodramatic sigh.  Kagami looked up, brow furrowed.  Did that mean that Aomine liked him back?  Next moment, Aomine swooped in, kissing Kagami sweetly but firmly.  Kagami's face heated up.  He couldn't believe Aomine was kissing him, in public, without a thought about who might see them.  Aomine pulled back after a long moment, looking right into Kagami's eyes, "Does that answer your question?"

Kagami giggled.  He just couldn't help it.  He felt so happy with Aomine.  He took hold of Aomine's hand, intertwining their fingers as they kept walking.

[AN: sorry this update is SO short, but hell, I just didn't feel like making it longer. I've had a bit of a soul sucking day with haters getting on my case, so me writing more of the stuff that they got angry about is my biggest FU, so I posted this even though I am so uninspired now because of them. Enough of that, I hope you liked this update.]

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