Twenty Four - Monday Morning

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Kagami rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, as he reached over to stop the alarm going off on his phone.  It was already Monday.  He was not ready for morning classes again.  He opened his eyes wider only to furrow his brow and stare at the unfamiliar ceiling.

"Geez, what is that annoying sound?"  Aomine's voice next to him sounded particularly gravelly since he was still half asleep.

"Sorry."  Kagami let out a sigh of relief and turned off his phone alarm.  It was already Monday?  He hadn't meant to spend all weekend with Aomine, especially since most of that time was spent in bed.  He turned onto his side, shaking Aomine's shoulder, "It's Monday, you have to get up."

"I don't wanna."  Aomine pulled the covers over his head.

Kagami had to keep himself from laughing in response.  Aomine could be such a child.  Kagami spoke again, "We have to go to class and practice.  I won't be the one to explain why we're late."  Kagami leaned over to whisper in Aomine's ear, "If you get up now, I have enough time to make you a delicious breakfast."

A smile spread across Aomine's face.  "You're such a housewife."  He finally sat up, leaning over to kiss Kagami's forehead.  "Make us something delicious."  He grinned more deviously, "If you don't go quickly, I'll keep you here and fuck you where you sit."

Kagami's eyes widened and, for a moment, he stared at Aomine.  Aomine's hand made its way to Kagami's thigh.  As much as Kagami would love to stay and keep having sex with Aomine, they couldn't just ditch the rest of their lives.  He quickly got up, looking down at Aomine, "Anything you want for breakfast?"

"Unless I can have you," Aomine smirked, "I don't care."

"We'll see about that."  Kagami giggled and pulled on one of Aomine's T-shirts and walked into the kitchen.  He'd hardly worn clothes all weekend, it felt so strange to wear them now.  But he wanted to make something nice for Aomine before he had to go.  He had to go back to his own apartment at some point.

[AN: this is a short update, but I hope you like it! I hope you like where this is going and I'll try to cement in more of the direction in a few chapters. I promise there will be many feels!!]

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