Twelve - Back in Classes

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He was sitting in the lecture hall as the professor started lecturing.  He was having the hardest time to focus.  He knew it was only day two and he should be paying attention, but he couldn't being hyper aware of Aomine sitting next to him.

Kagami glanced over and Aomine was asleep even though this was the first lecture of the day and it was at 11am.  Aomine's head was lolling to the side, only inches from laying on Kagami's shoulder.  It wasn't that he felt awkward, although maybe he did feel a little awkward.  He just didn't know what was going on between him and Aomine now.

He couldn't focus for the rest of the lecture and he knew that really was a problem.  But the class was over and he and Aomine had to go to their next one.  He elbowed Aomine, not daring to do anything else to wake him up.

Aomine sat up with a start, glaring at Kagami, "What was that for?"

Kagami rolled his eyes, "Class is over, we have to go the next one."

"Fine..." Aomine huffed as he stood up, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

Kagami stood up too, feeling a pang in his gut.  He had thought his transition was finally over.  Especially after being with Aomine, surely his second gender had also decided on male.  But the pain in his gut was having him question all of that.  He did his best to stand up straight and ignore the pain, he certainly wasn't going to let Aomine know what was wrong with him.  He turned around, waving his hand for Aomine to follow, "Come on, we only have a minute."

Aomine didn't say anything else.  They both walked out of the lecture hall and across campus to their next class.  The pain persisted.  Kagami just hoped it wouldn't keep him from being able to play basketball.  Especially since he and Aomine became the double ace, he couldn't let Aomine go beyond him.  He couldn't lose Aomine.  Not after being forced together again.

[an: I hope you like this update! Getting them back to their classes and talk more about what makes the genders different here! Are you following along with the gender stuff? Is it confusing? I know I made it clear what parts Kagami has when he was intimate with Aomine, does that make you confused now?]

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