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"It's my birthday on Friday!" I sang terribly off-key and shimmied my shoulders in Noora's direction, causing Eva to laugh

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"It's my birthday on Friday!" I sang terribly off-key and shimmied my shoulders in Noora's direction, causing Eva to laugh.

The three of us were sitting on our usual spots on the benches in the school yard. Eva seated on the back of the chair on one bench and Noora and me on the one opposite to her, my blonde friend to my left.

"And you didn't want to have a party in the beginning. Tztz." Noora chuckled and slightly pushed me aside so I would stop bumping her shoulder with mine.

"It's going to be a small get-together at your apartment, that's not a full-on party." I crossed my arms in front of my chest and leaned back. "I can't wait for it."

"Who have you invited?" Eva looked at me, putting her phone in the pocket of her coat.

"Well, it's you guys of course and then I asked Chris so he's coming too." I blinked at her a couple of times. "Noora said that Eskild and Linn will be there too." I looked at my friend in reassurance and she nodded. "And then I wanted to invite Isak, Even and the boys too but I haven't seen them around for the past few days. I texted Isak yesterday but I still want to talk to them in person."

"Sounds good." Noora smiled.

Eva just furrowed her eyebrows at me. "Didn't you say that Jonas has been ignoring you since Friday? You told me when we were in the library during third period yesterday."

"Ja, he still does but who cares." I shrugged, smiling at her. "I want the boys there on Friday and he's part of their little group so." I trailed off and Eva nodded.

"You're such an adult." She chuckled. "I would have been so pissed at him."

"I'm past that." I waved her off. "I was in a shit mood all day on Sunday until Sana had a talk with me." I grinned and rearranged my scarf that was loosely hanging around my neck. "Now I just don't care anymore. It's not my fault he's such an idiot."

"Speaking of the devil." Noora muttered, nodding in the direction of the school gates.

Isak, Jonas, Mahdi and Magnus had just arrived and were now making their way across the yard.

I jumped up from my seat. "I'll ask them now." I put my backpack in the spot I had previously been sitting in. "Don't know when I'll catch them all together again. Keep an eye on my bag for me, ja?"

I didn't wait for an answer, I was already stalking towards the little group of guys which had stopped in the middle of the yard. They were talking and laughing but stopped when I reached them.

"Hei!" I exclaimed from behind Isak and Mahdi, causing them to turn and step aside a little.

"Hallå!" Magnus grinned widely, waving at me.

"So, it's my birthday on Friday." I started, looking at each one of them. Jonas was avoiding my eyes and I wanted to scoff at his attitude. I had decided not to be upset anymore but it hurt nonetheless. "I don't know if you knew that but that's not really important." I continued, trying to ignore my feelings.

Me | SKAM Jonas VasquezWhere stories live. Discover now