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My locker didn't want to close as always

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My locker didn't want to close as always. It's lock was old and rusty and in desperate need of a few drops of oil. Yet, not once had I ever actually brought any, not in all these days of school. So now I was once again forced to use violence to close it. Otherwise I would have had to take all my stuff home with me today and with my luck, I'd surely have forgotten something the next day then.
With one hand I tried to turn the lock knob around whilst I held the little door closed with the other.

"Even just hits mine to open it." I heard a voice behind me comment in amusement.

I snorted and used both hands to turn the lock and shut the damn locker once and for all. "Please, Isak, I'm not in the mood for more disgustingly cute Evak relationship moments right now."

"You were the first one to ship us, I thought you would be more appreciative to hear we're going strong." Isak now leaned against a locker next to mine.

"Thank-" I hissed whilst gritting my teeth. "-you."

"Do you need any help?" I didn't look at him but I could already imagine him with a smug smile, his eyebrow raised.

"Nei." I pressed out and used all of my willpower and upper body strength to turn the lock. "I almost-" With a terrible screeching sound did the lock turn to snap into it's rightful position to keep the door shut. "Have it." Content with myself and very proud to have wasted none but one curse word on my locker this time, did I turn to face my friend.

Isak knitted his brows together in disagreement before widening them slightly. "You will not be able to open this again."

"Lucky me, isakyaki, since I don't have to open this again until tomorrow." I grabbed the books I had put on top of the other lockers and stuck it under my arm. "And as we learned in sociology; Nobody from this generation thinks about tomorrow."

The blonde boy shook his head disapprovingly before pushing himself off the lockers.

"Let's grab something to eat, ja?" I grinned up at him and offered him my arm.

"Ew, nei, takk, Lilly." Isak walked backwards in the direction of the stairs. "I don't wanna get a cold too. You sounded half dead over the phone on Friday." He waited for me to catch up to him by the swinging doors.

"Aren't you a charmer?" I scoffed sarcastically and shoved him gently.

"I know, Even's a lucky guy." He winked at me.

"Please don't tell me what other qualities you have that make Even a lucky guy." I gagged jokingly in disgust.

"Now, you were the one saying that." Isak laughed as we pushed past some first years who were standing in little groups along the hallways.

"Shush." I placed my finger on my lips. "Stop talking. I don't want to know."

He laughed even louder. "I'm not even saying anything. Huh, nei. I'm not 'Even' saying anything."

Me | SKAM Jonas VasquezWhere stories live. Discover now