He is young?

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Please, if you read this chapter, feel free to comment. Please comment if you think I should continue or stop with this story. Please, I would love it if you comment as I'm still learning🙏💜.

It has been a while since I last ate with Master Liam. I didn't know why he chose today of all days to ask for me, but he had. And I was to obey.

The way we would interact was still the same, me and him simply being silent during the entire meal. I found my eyes glancing at a glass that Master Liam held, it being filled with red wine. It's red colour was very dark, and I almost certainly knew that it was mixed with blood.

What surprised me more than anything else, was that he seemed to handle the alcohol in his wine perfectly fine. I wasn't sure vampires could even drink alcohol, but I wasn't curious enough to ask Master Liam more about it.

He, however, seemed to have a burning question that he wanted to ask me.

"Do you... Do you want to watch movies with me?" Master Liam asked me, staring at me from across the table.

I ended up choking on my food from the unexpected question, and he instantly frowned at me.

"You don't want to" He said, looking more than a bit upset at my reaction.

"No! Of course I want to!" I said, replying as fast as I could to him. Anything was better than for Master Liam to start to resent me.

"Ah, good" Master Liam said, smiling at my approval. "I'll have it arranged for us while we clean up"
(Time skip)

I was sitting beside him in a large sitting room in the mansion, marvelling at the nice decorations and vast space. Wow, this guy really is rich if this common in this house.

I tried to make myself less nervous, tucking my legs in underneath my butt.

He had asked a servant to turn on some old Korean movie, and then had them leave the both of us in silence. I didn't even manage to catch what the name was of this old movie, and the majority of the things they said slipped by me as well. It just ended up being us staring at their actions and mannerisms, which was difficult to decipher.

However, the most distracting thing was none of those things. Instead, I found myself continuously distracted with Master Liam's gaze.

It was fine the first couple of times. But after the twentieth time, I lost my patience.

"Is there something you would like to say Master?" I asked him, not taking my eyes off the movie.

"N-No, not really..." He stuttered, suddenly looking away from me. How strange. "I just, you know, wanted to spend some more time with you..."

I glanced over to his face for a brief moment, not really moving my head properly to look at him. I soon ignored what he said, hoping that he would accept that I hadn't heard him or something.

"You know, get to know you better?" Master Liam tried again, and I fought the urge to outwardly sigh.

"Why would I interest you Master Liam?" I asked, moving my eyes to stare at his own purple ones. "I thought I was simply your slave?"

He didn't find the courage to look into my eyes the way I had, moving his gaze down to the floor. I guess my gaze intimidated him.

"I've never really had friends, so I wanted you to possibly be my friend" Master Liam said, sounding a little awkward. "I really would like you to be my friend Amber"

"But Master-

"And please don't call me Master Liam, just Liam is fine" He insisted, cutting me off before I could say more. "Please, calling me Master just puts a divide between us"

He reminded me a young child, who was asking their parent for a toy they had been wanting for a really long time. I wasn't really sure what to do with the new information, it kind of scaring me and surprising me.

This kind of master could be your worst nightmare. They act friendly towards you, and then completely destroy you when you lower your walls.

He wants to play a mind game? Oh boy, he'll get one!

"Alright, Liam" I said, putting emphasis on his name to poke fun at him. "How old are you?"

"A hundred and eighteen" He responded calmly, not at all phased with the question.

"But that means, in vampire years, you are considered pretty young" I said, surprised at his young age. "Which also means..."

I got immediately reminded of the information I had been told by Master Christopher, about how really young vampires were really bad at controlling their urges. They wouldn't be able to control themselves around blood, sometimes entering a really angry state known as a blood rage.

They often can't control their urges, their hunger going unchecked.

I guess it was obvious that I was really concerned for my safety, my eyes widening and slowly shuffling away from him.

"I'm not like that Amber" He said softly, trying to use both his calm voice and slow hand movements to try and calm me down. "I won't hurt you"

It didn't matter what he said to me. I had seen things, hear stories, all of which would make anyone wary of a young vampire.

I shot to my feet in front of him, surprising him a little with my speed.

"I'm going back to my room" I said hurriedly, not bothering to look him in the eyes anymore. "I'm suddenly feeling very tired"

I dashed off to my room, not really listening to his protests and shouts. He can punish me all he wants later, I just didn't want to be with him on my own in the dark any longer.

For the next week, I had tried to avoid Liam as humanly possible. I knew it was going to be impossible to avoid him forever, but part of my foolish young brain wanted to indulge in my stupid fantasy.

I ended up having numerous conversations with Selena about him being so young, but she told me that she already knew each time. She told me she's had worked for him for over four years now, and he had never lost control over his urges or emotions.

"Don't worry, he's the sweetest guy you will ever meet"

She trusted him a lot, I could see the emotions behind every word. I was almost beginning to get the impression that she liked him, romantically speaking.

Who knows, I didn't ask her about it. It really isn't my place to ask her about it.

But hey, I should have known. I should have known I couldn't avoid Liam forever.

It is like the saying goes.

Speak of the devil, and he appears.

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