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I was coming out of my room when I saw him. Liam was wearing a simple top and light blue trousers. I wanted to hide, but I had the feeling that he had already seen me, because he started approaching.

Just my luck.


"Yes Master"

"Hey I told you before, just call me Liam" He grinned, tapping his left foot on the ground in some weird pattern. Looks like somebody is happy.

"Were you avoiding me? " He asked, while leaning in closer to my face, which was starting to making me uncomfortable.

"I-I um... I wasn't, I was just busy..." I stammered, trying to avoid his eyes. He apparently found it funny, a chuckle coming from his lips.

"Alright, if you insist" Liam laughed, soon waving with his hand in a guiding motion. He wanted me to follow him. "Come along, I have something to show you"

No matter how well we had gotten to know each other in these weeks, it still felt like I was following him into something dangerous. Like a lamb brought to the slaughter at a slaughter house.

It didn't take long for us to reach our destination, it bringing us outside to a place that looked somewhat like a playground.

I didn't find it all too interesting, until I looked up. I noticed small little flurries of white things in the air, and one seemed to land on my cheek, almost surprising me with how cold it was.

"Oh my god! It's snowing!" I exclaimed, Liam almost jumping out of his skin when I shouted.

"You like snow?" He asked me with curiosity.

"Not 'like' but love" I corrected him, a child like grin on my face. I started jumping up and down, smiling as the cold substance started to cling to my boots and clothes. I used to do this with my mum, back when she was better.

"You are acting like a child" He laughed, the laugh making me feel some weird feelings. It was so nice with this sound that makes you want to fall asleep and never wake up. Not death, the feeling was too pleasant for it to be that.

" wait are you insulting me?, let's see who is the child here?"

playfully glaring at him .

" No I wasn't... just" I throwing the handful of snow I was holding at him laughing, before you that we were playing like little kids throwing snows against each other, smiling and laughing . We even build a snow man. I always want to do this with my friends. For that moment I forget that Liam is my master or a vampire. that's what I want JUST HAPPINESS.

"Amber maybe we should head inside you're getting cold" taking my two hands together in attempt to show me then he started blowing softly on them.

"Don't you know you are getting them more cold" Vampires aren't naturally warm, I took my hands out of his because if somebody sees us they will think that we are some sort of lovers and the boyfriend is trying to warm up his girlfriend's hand. Being like this with Liam was disturbing but I still feel safe around him.


We have been getting closer like you can never think of,sometimes we watch movies or play in the snow or just talk. pan cakes and blood was his favorites .

" So Amber are we friends now?" Liam and I was watching Empire season 1episode 5. I was lying down on the couch with my head on his laps.

"I guess we are, well it depends on you Liam "

" how?" his cheek rising up a bit.

" Liam I'm your slave not your friend well it depends on how you treat me"

" I won't treat you as a slave, I will never treat you as one. I won't lose you.

I looked at him boy! he was wasn't joking I pulled myself up .

"I have so many things to ask you " I said inquisitively

he nod urging me to on.

" why don't you feed on me, I'm your only personal slave others is servants, not that I want you to just curious".He looked down with a sad smile .

" I can't feed on human, my fangs can't Pierce your skin if I tried to "

I want to laugh but seeing his face I know that he was seriously serious if I may add.

" But I thought that vampires don't need their fangs to be sharp in order to feed on humans. just the hunger is strong enough to do it "wavering my hands trying to demonstrates 'hunger' .

" I'm sometimes hungry but not enough to feed from human" he said painfully.

" does that mean you are not a vampires" I crock my head one side.

"I'm a vampires Dummy , I'm strong and faster than many , I drink blood from blood banks idiot. " he poke my forehead

I did the 'O' sound then smirk yes one part of me feels sorry for him because feeding on human is the most important thing to vampires but one part of me feels different, if he can't feed that's great for me I won't have to suffer being a blood stupid slave and as long as I no Liam have a good heart so he won't force his self on me . my only problem now is to play nice and safe so he won't resell me then escape. it may seem selfish but who cares , let them go to hell and burn in to ashes . my lips widen in an evil way.

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