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" ghost in my brain - for camille "

" ghost in my brain - for camille "

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Camille had such a deep, profound love for Kansas City that it was hard to explain it to other people.

She'd grown up imagining different possibilities for her life, but they all had one thing in common (no matter if she was a writer or a photographer or a cook) – they all took place in Kansas City.

Living in the suburbs, taking a trip into the city meant something exciting was happening, whether it be a concert or a night on the town. From the time she could remember onwards, Camille's heart always had so much joy whenever she thought of it.

That joy multiplied tenfold when Eric Hosmer came into her life.

They met in one of the most unlikely places that someone could meet their soulmate: the supermarket. Okay, sure, a good handful of people meet their significant other there – but not when their significant other is a bona fide celebrity.

Eric would go on to explain that, usually, he had someone else do his grocery shopping out of fear of being mobbed, but since it was 2 a.m. at the time and he was still reeling from the high of a four-game sweep, he was in dire need of some ice cream.

As fate would have it, so was Camille. She was with a small group of friends, celebrating their recent graduation from cooking school and the one thing they all needed to have was some Rocky Road ice cream.

Of course, in the age old tradition of romantic comedies and romance novels, it turned out that they both went for the last carton.

"Please don't scream." Eric pleaded as he noticed her eyes widening with the recognition.

She shook her head. "Uh – I won't. Sorry, I just thought ... I honestly thought I was dreaming."

"It is 2 a.m., you know." He smiled a little, eyes flashing playfully.

Camille bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling like some sort of love-struck teenager.

(Her eyes just turned into stats instead – Wow, was he even cuter in person than he was through a television screen).

"Yeah." She agreed, but snapped out of her hazy daydreams to snatch the ice cream carton.

Eric looked positively scandalized. "Hey!"

"Finder's keepers, pretty boy." Camille threw over her shoulder and strutting down the aisle. She knew she had friends to attend to and boy, they would not believe what had just happened to her.

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