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" once bitten - for brooklyn

" once bitten - for brooklyn " 

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Brooklyn never meant to hurt Nolan when she'd pull away from his hugs and kisses. It wasn't that she didn't want to be sweet and romantic with him, she'd just been burned, so she was afraid of the fire.

Once bitten, twice shy, as people would wag their fingers at her and say.

Nolan, God love him, never openly said anything about it. He never threw any fits, nor did he accuse her of not loving him. Nolan knew that the bright, vivid love that they had for each other was definitely not of the unrequited variety. He didn't allow his mind to roam to the dark places that would bring up the distinct possibility that she wasn't as into him as he was into her.

He knew that wasn't true -- or, he liked to believe.

So, one day, while they were getting some grocery shopping done and making light conversation, Nolan asked her. He had to. He couldn't drive himself mad with the possibilities floating around in his head anymore.

"Babe, do I creep you out or something?"

It wasn't that out of left field. He'd gone to take her hand in his, but she walked just a little faster and reached up to run the hand through her hair.

Brooklyn chewed her lip, shaking her head. There was a faraway glint in her eyes that made Nolan wonder.

"No, no. I swear. I've just --" She shook her head then, wanting more than anything to be able to change the subject. "It's nothing. Come on, the pineapples are over here."

Nolan didn't like her just brushing him off like that. If there was something that was the matter, he wanted her to be able to come and talk to him. He didn't want to make her feel like she didn't have any sort of say in anything they did. If he was doing something wrong, Nolan wanted to know so he could change it.

"You sure?" He asked, hoping that she would continue the topic of conversation.

She didn't, choosing instead to inspect the pineapples. No, it wasn't interesting in any sense of the word, but she did not want to bring her skeletons out of the closet.

Brooklyn wanted to push and push them back inside. Hopefully for forever.

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However, the topic brought itself back up again the next week, when the pair were at a house party hosted by Ian Desmond. Brooklyn found herself up against the wall, scrolling through her phone to give her something to do.

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