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" bewitched - for bethany "

" bewitched - for bethany "

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Bethany had been born with the gift of gifts.

The world -- the same world that others complained 'glowed in a gray.' shone in chartreuse for her -- was a brilliant and bewitching place.

In class, some smart-assed teachers would tell her the way that things worked, But Bethany would slide down in her seat and smirk to herself.

She knew a great secret. She knew that the world could be switched, swapped and re-arranged in her own image, but only by a select few.

These select few went by a number of different names, but none more frequent than this: witches.

Deep in her heart, she knew ones like her had been hanged, disgraced, stoned, burned at the stake, among a many other things. Wanting to avoid this any and every way that she could, Bethany kept her secret to herself.

She solemnly swore to not tell a single soul who didn't have to know, and it was easier than she thought it would be, until someone -- a boy -- came along to throw everything she knew and kept sacred for a loop: Whit Merrifield.

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The day that their two once believed to be parallel lines collided was a day that seemed like any other.

In dire need of sage for a witchy matter, Bethany made her way to the supermarket and was keen to pop in and out. She didn't want any sort of fanfare, especially not with the way that the world of late October was covered in orange and sprinkled with ghosts, goblins, and black cats.

It felt like the world was winking at her, knowing the magic that shone behind her hazel eyes.

She didn't like to dwell on it too long. Bethany was paranoid, to say the least. Who knew what other beings were roaming around the aisles -- not just other witches, but werewolves, vampires, hunters.

Hunters scared her the worst, and even the mere thought of one was enough to cause a chill to race up and down her spine.

As the black hole of her darkest fears pulled her under, Bethany got a little dazed and confused. She was so confused that she didn't notice someone in the same aisle as she was, until they bumped into each other.

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