Chapter 2 - The Kagamine Twins

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(Y/N) POV)

I'm a bit nervous to meet the twins, they could be Girls, Boys or both. I couldn't stop wondering so I asked Miku.

"Uh, Miku?"


"what gender are the twins?" It felt kinda embarrassing asking this, but I did it anyway.

"oh yeah, one girl one boy" She replied.

"Oh, I understand now."

"Mmmmhhmmm, their rooms are right next to each other, and they're twins, so you don't know what mischief they get up to..."

I giggle "Yeah."

Finally, we decided to walk in. Miku smiles slyly and opens the door revealing the twins. I look around, shocked. They are punching each other and I saw a girl with the huge white bow on her head kick the other Kagamine right in his junk. He collapsed to the floor clutching his bits. R-rin, y-you kick-kicked meh in deh biitttsss, owwwwwwwww" He rolled around all over the floor. I thought this was kinda... Cute?

"Serves you right for stealing my cake"

"Nuuu, I di-didn't" the yellow-haired shota looking boy paused and stared at Mku and me.

"Ummmm...Hi"I said very innocently, the boy just stared at me looking up and down, then smirked.

(Len's POV)

After Rin kicked me in the nuts, I noticed Miku and another girl I've never seen in my life. She was beautiful... I started getting lost in my thoughts about... Things. I soon stopped myself from thinking that and blushed. I decided to introduce myself.

I smirked and stood up, feeling like all the pain had gone from previous events. After all, I was used to it. "I'm Len Kagamine, and you are?" I leaned forward so my face was very close to hers. I couldn't stop myself. She blushed and looked to the side.

"I-i'm (Y/N)" Gosh had I ever seen someone so cute :3.

"Nice to meet you... (Y/N)."

I heard a 'tch' from behind her. It was Miku, looks like someone is getting jealous. She pushed us away and introduced Rin to (Y/N)

"A-anyways... This i-" She started but didn't get to finish her sentence.

"Hi, I'm Rin!" Rin said way too enthusiastically. She was about to suffocate (Y/N), but I stopped her because then I wouldn't get to... Actually, nevermind. I slapped the side of my face which caught the other's attention.

"Having dirty thoughts again?" Rin smirked wiggling her eyebrows.

"What? Noooooooo." I said shaking my hands in front of my face. I really didn't need (Y/N) to know about my perviness.

"Yes, you weeerrreee." She convinced. But I'm going to be a man, and stand my ground.

"Pfft, don't listen to her (Y/N)." She nodded. Miku whispered something in her ear which I could hear perfectly fine.

"He's actually really pervy..." I froze, I had lost the battle. (Y/N) giggled. I tried to change the subject.

"Sooo uh... How old are you?" I asked.


"Oh me too" (I made (Y/N) and the twins both 15 because I wanted them to be a bit older... Hope ya don't mind)

(Y/N) POV)

"Len you're so cringey," Rin said

"Excuse me?" Len Asked

"I said, you're so cringey."

"And I said Excuse me"

They argued for what felt like an hour, a really big sigh came out of my mouth "sooooo, have you finished arguing, "I said.

"oh no (Y\N), I'm just getting started!" Len laughed.

"oiiii, Len, that's MY line!" Rin complained

"serves you right for stealing my cake, ehehe," Len said as he giggled, because he stole another one of Rin's lines

"Oiiiiii, Leeeeen stop stealing my very unique lines" Rin whined, to be honest, it was getting really annoying

"Rin, you got that line from a Barbie movie..." You could tell Len was already sick of his twin as much as you were.

"Okay guys, stop arguing... do you think you being a good example for (Y\N), huh, huh?" Miku said.

"Yes," Len was obviously a pervy smart alec. But you kinda liked that.

"Well I don't think so," Miku said once again.

"Well I do," Miku said, smirking. She obviously enjoyed arguing with Len. She probably liked him to be honest.

"Well bye, I'm going now," I said and walked out slamming the door by accident.

"Wait (Y/N)" I heard someone say, probably Rin. But I didn't care. I tried to find my room by myself. I must've been walking in circles because I found the Kagamine's rooms again.

I kept walking and found my way back to lab door. I knocked and say Master at the door

"May I come in?" I asked, he nodded and let me in. I sat down and watched him. I saw him typing on his computer, he was typing very fast.

He was wheeling around in his wheely chair. I soon got bored of watching him and grabbed a book from his bookshelf. I could read perfectly fine, but I couldn't understand any of the contents of this book. I decided to take a little nap. And then I had slept for the very first time.


Hey everyone, sorry I made this chapter slightly shorter. Oh and it's the last day of the school holidays, so I will soon not be able to publish lots because of homework, so im trying to get lots of chapters done today.

As always, I love you guys and thanks for reading, Bai!

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