Chapter 8 - The plane ride

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(Author's POV)

The Vocaloids walked over to get their bags checked. When Len's bag went through, the machine beeped.

"Excuse me, sir." The dude said.

"Huh?" Len said.

"May I check your bag?" He asked

"Uh sure?" Len said quite confused as to why his bag needed to be checked. He honestly didn't remember putting anything in his bag that would cause such a scene.  The man began to search through Len's bag. This took like what, three minutes? Soon he stopped rummaging through his bag.

"The machine seemed to just have detected your phone or something."

"Yeah, I decided to keep my phone in there because ya know, it's a very expensive phone... Actually, every item in that bag could cost almost over $100." Okay, now Len was just showing off. living as a Vocaloid at the age of 15 can get you a lot of money.

"Even you boxers are worth that much?" Rin asked cheekily.

"Oh shut up, that's not what I meant."

"what did you mean then?"

"Ugh, just, shut up."

(Y/N)'s POV)

"Your holding up the line, move it people!" we heard a lady from behind say, she sounded awfully frustrated.

The man didn't bother with Len's bag and just let us through, I was at the back of the line with Len in front of me, and obviously Master was at the start of the line because he was leading the way.

We soon entered a plane which had rows of seats on the left and right side of the plane, the seats were made out of a purple velvet with gold trimming on the outside, in the middle of the plane sat a little lobby with the same chairs but bigger, trailing on from the lobby was another 2 rows of seats.

Obviously, the people first in line got to the lobby. The rest of us ha to sit in the 'seats.' I was one of those people, as well as IA, Yuuma, Len, Luka and Gakupo. Luka and Gakupo had already decided to sit next to each other before they even entered the plane.

IA insisted that she sat next to Yuuma because she didn't want Len doing pervy things to her while she slept. So, I was left with Len. Of course, I didn't mind, and I don't think he did either.

(Len's POV)

Haha, great, I get to sit next to my 'target.' Oh, what am I thinking, it's only the third day of her being here. I really need to calm down... yikes.

"So it's just you and me," I winked at her, causing her to blush. 'Oh (Y/N), why do you have to be so cute...'

"I-I guess" She answered. She got out her phone and started to do stuff on it. I was watching her every move from the corner of my eye. I'm totally not a creep. A few minutes passed and the Rin came over... Ugh, can't I just have some one-on-one time with (Y/N).

-----A few minutes prior------

(Rin's POV)

"Master, can I go to the bathroom?" I asked Master.

"Okay, but be quick." He said.

I walked in the direction of the bathroom and passed the few people who were sitting in the 'normal seats.'

Then I spotted Len and (Y/N) sitting next to each other.

"Oooooh, Leeeen! Who's that next to you?"

Len started to blush, I knew he had a crush on (Y/N)!

"RIN! SHUT UP! I HAD NO CHOICE!" Len screamed

"Rin?" OMG Master.

"Heeeeeeeeey..." I couldn't think of anything else to say...

"I thought you were going to the toilet..."

"Oh yes, I was I was just passing through! Hehe!"

"Okay... Anyways (Y/N), can you please come with me, I need to talk to you." I waited for (Y/N) to pass by, then I started to interrogate Len."

"Heeeeey Len?" I tried to sound cool about it.

"What is it?" Len sounded annoyed.

"You like her, don't you? I began to wiggle my eyebrows up and down.

Len stayed quiet

"C'mon, do you like her," I asked

"urghhhhhh......" We stared at each other with death glares for minutes

"Your flight will be departing in 10, 9," A voice said, coming out of a speaker.

"Oh, I better get going now, talk to you later!"

(Len's POV)

Finally, that brat is gone. The voice coming out of the speakers continued counting down.

"8...,7...,6...,5...,4...,3...,2...,1...,0 " the countdown finished.

Hmm, (Y/N) wasn't back yet, I'll just wait, I closed my eyes, intending to just rest them. I didn't get much sleep last night after all.

Then I fell asleep for a little bit

(Y/N)'s POV)

"Len..... Leeeeen wakie wakie!" I said slightly shaking Len's adorable sleeping figure. He still wouldn't wake up. I tried again, he still didn't move. I tried to walk past him because I had the window seat, but then I felt someone wrap their arms around my legs.

I tried to break his strong grasp. But it would work, I kind of stood there for a little bit until I felt him move. Great, he's waking up.

I watched him slowly wake up. When he realised that he was hugging my legs was hilarious. His reaction was priceless.

"S-sorry," he mumbled

"It's okay. I only had to stand here for about an hour" I said sarcastically.

"What WHAT?" He started to apologise non-stop. I felt the plane stop. And the voice in the speakers started to talk again.

"Thank you for attending the flight from Japan to France. You may now exit your seats."

Finally, I can get out of this plane and smell the fresh air of France. But I' not gunna lie, this was the best first plane ride, ever!


(A/N) Thank you for reading this chapter! You guys are so supportive and it really motivates me to keep writing.

As always i love you guys and thanks for reading, bai!

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