Chapter 19 - Confessions (Rin & Len Birthday Special!) part 2

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(Y/N) POV)

After Rin and Len had finished opening their presents. They got to choose what they wanted to do, obviously, it didn't work out.

I sat there, listening to their argument.


"No, I'm tired, I wanna play video games."


"How about we just have an eating contest, that's fun?"

"No, I'm not hungry."

"Fine then, you pick something."

"I wanna play dare or dare!"

"Nani? Dare or dare?"

"It's where we give each other a bunch of dares!"


*cricket noises*

*cricket noises*


"ALRIGHT! LET'S SIT IN A CIRCLE!" Rin yelled everyone obeyed because she was the birthday girl

Soon a big circle was formed, this reminded me of when we were back in France, playing truth or dare, and when, Len and I kissed. I blush at the thought. I slap my face for reminding myself of that.

(Len's POV)

I saw (Y/N) slap her face, really hard

"Uh (Y/N), are you alright?" I asked (Y/N), who was sitting next to me.

"Oh, yeah, yeah... I uh, thought I saw a fly land on my cheek?" That sounded more like a question, than an answer... But I'll just let it slide.

So now, we were all sitting in a circle, waiting for someone to start.

"Alright, Rin can start," I said, pretty used to Rin always starting everything, and getting to choose what she wanted to do...

"YAY!" She looked around the room.... "Actually, i wanna play a differen't game." Everyone groaned.

"But i know what i want to play!" She continued. "I don't know what it's called, but it's a game, where we just confess a big secret of ours." Rin smirked.

"Alright." Meiko said, taking a sip of her coke. Yes, this time she wasn't drinking sake.

"Okay, we'll just go around in a circle." (Y/N) was right in between Rin and I,  but Rin decided to go the oposite way. "Oh, yeah, and most of you have to confess who you have a crush on."


"Do it." Rin said, with a scary expression on her face.

"Alriiiggghhhttt." Thank god i was close to the end.

Rin looked to her right, "oh hey Miku, you're first."

"I uh..."

"come on Miku, who do you have a crush on?"

"n-no one!"

"Oh alright, well then, confess something."

Miku looked like she was trying to think of something on the spot. "I'm sorry Kaito, but i've secretly been eating all your Leek ice cream..."




"... YOU WHAT?"


After about almost an hour of waiting for people to finish confessing, there was surprisingly, no relationships. Although, Kaito had confessed to Meiko, but she said she wasn't ready for a relationship, but she still liked him back. So he was happy about that...

"Your turn Lenny." Rin said smirking. "I know you have something to confess."

"Shut up..." Everyone stayed quiet waiting for my response.

"I uh..."

"What are you waiting for?" (Y/N) said.

"... (Y/N) I have a crush on you, alright, NEXT PERSON!"

"..." Oh god, i just embarrassed myself didn't I?

"I..." (Y/N) Mumbled. "I like you too..."

"Sorry what was that?" I couldn't believe my ears, had she really just said that she liked me too?"

"I, I like you too Len." Surprisingly she wasn't blushing, like she had been wanting to say that for a long time.

"So uh, are we..... Dating?"

"I, I guess so..." An awkward silence filled the room until...

"I need to go to the toilet." Miku and IA said in unsion.

"Oh, alright." (Y/N) said, everyone knew why Miku and IA said that, because they both liked me... I had known that for a long time. But never said anything because i really liked (Y/N).

"(Y/N) your turn to confess something!"

"Well I was going to say i liked Len, but I guess he got there first... Now i don't know what to say..."

She thought long and hard about what she was going to say... "I guess i just have to say that i appreciate all of you guys' company since i was created, and I just wanted to say thanks." A few of the Vocaloids said 'no problem' While others just stayed quiet, or nodded their heads. We soon finished the game, and everyone just did their own thing.

I spent the rest of my day with (Y/N), I honestly still can't believe that she said that she liked me back. I'm so happy right now.

Soon it was time to blow out our candles. This time, I blowed out mine first, hehe, take that Rin. Oh and i blew out one of her candles too, for payback of that one time she blew out my candles when we were younger. 

I soon found myself standing on the bowcany of my room, next to (Y/N). We were just enjoying the cool breeze with eachother's company.

"Len?" She said

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I... I love you..." She blushed like a tomato, it was quite adorable.

"I love you too (Y/N), thanks for the best birthday ever!" And with that, i planted a kiss on her lips. That was my first kiss, and i was happy i gave it to (Y/N).

When i say that this was the best birthday ever, im not joking, it really was... I feel kind of bad for Miku and IA though, i just hope they get over me soon... But I mean, that will be kind of hard, I am Len after all ;)


Thanks for reading part two, and yes, this story is coming to an end, next chapter i am planning to be the last chapter, let's see if i can fit it into one chapter.

This chapter is kind of shorter, but only because its part two of the previous chapter.

As always, thanks for reading, bai!

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