7 •the next wind•

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Said I opened her mind
Touched her heart

How so

All my unprocessed words
All the difficulty
My awkward methods to profess

Never knew I was this complicated
I called myself simple

Moved states
Could be why

Was much at ease before
My feet moved with the wind
My sandals unstained
My shoes polished clean

Everything is everything
My consciousness says

Why would the lot of sunshine
Creep into my room
It's something divine
I'm despicably at the end
Of some old life

I mean

Next year
I don't think I'd have whatever I did this year
It's hard to imagine
Hard to hear

That, I
Would see new heights
Would find the light

But it'd been seen before
I'd seen this before
I'd seen this future
Was just never sure

All is all
What would come of all
I'm so very sure
I have it all

Bien beaucoup
All that would come
That would reach out to me

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