10 •ttsp. I hope they do. will They? •

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You know my stomach hurt those times
All the hours
May have ruined me for good
May have made me up for worse

The epitome of all long suffering
Come to me
And greet me with sleepless nights
Filled with mindless flight
With self
My conscience conflicts
Filled with wander
Through the things I wonder

Circumstances are what they are
Situations be where they put you

How do these things make you feel

I see they put you down
You that's so full of joy
Put on a frown
Twist that
Right side up
Upside down

But who am I to tell you
That they don't last forever
Maybe they do
But you don't last forever
If they do
You might as well die tonight
Or cry a river
Which would leave your problems
As they are
As they come

If love
If the Love of God
The love of Love
Is truly within you
As you say
You are designed
The former would be of no use

Sounds desperate
Doesn't it
Looks desperate too
The bleeding veins
The holed up brain and skull
The red rope marks on the neck
The destroyed organs
Selfish you know

But nothing's ever selfless
These circumstances
Are problems
Because I'm myself
Because I love myself
But how can I not

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