Chapter 9

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As I stepped out the door I could feel the chilly morning air send goose bumps down my body like a row of dominos.

I walked over the middle cleaning passing a few other cabins.

The camp was quiet and deserted.

A thin layer of fog covered the ground like it did in those graveyards from the horror movies. I chuckled at my comparison. I really did watch too many movies.

The grass was still layered in small drops of water from the morning dew that soaked through the thin fabric of my shoes and left a few green and brown streaks across the freshly cleaned white tip.

I took a small narrow path that lead to the edge of the woods.

There was a small abandoned gardening hut that made its home there. It was covered in a think layer of ivy that seemed to almost consume it. It could have easily been mistaken as a part of the woods themselves.
As if the lonely naiads had been leering it in seeking for company.

It used to belong to the Demeter cabin but since it was too small and the population of cabin 4 was growing rapidly (wow mom) it was now abandoned and home to the many peculiar animals that roamed the woods.

And as a matter of fact the perfect hidden place to plan out the exact details of your sisters love life.

I gripped the door handle and pushed it down. Giving the door a forceful thrust as it released a loud squeak and flew open. I stepped trough the frame ducking my head carefully aware of the loose wooden board that hung above my head.

You couldn't see it from the outside but it was actually quite nice. It wasn't totally destroyed with rat and bunny droppings everywhere like you'd image. There were no spiderwebs with decayed bugs in them or even small bugs that were enjoying the moist wood of the old hut. It was nothing like that. There was a plush green couch in the middle of the small and only room. Facing it was a brown leather arm chair that looked quite worn down. In the middle of the two stood a small, round, light wooden coffee table. It looked surprisingly cozy to me. The windows were clean although they did have a slight brown tint to them. The floor was covered in a dark brown rug with what were once white fringes spreading around it.
It looked like it was well used by campers. Although I really didn't really want to go into details in my mind of what they did here.
I turned my attention back to the middle of the room and noticed two people sitting on the couch. It was Connor and Piper.
"Hey! You're finally here. Great!" Piper said smiling at me. "I hope you don't mind if Piper is here too. I thought it would be a good idea to have a love mastermind like her to help us in this." He said a little unsurely. "And you thought right. We'll definitely be needing her if we are gong to make this a success." I said smiling at both of them. I swear I could see a flash of relief fly over Connors face. I pushed the door closed behind me in one swift movement and walked to the center of the room. I took a seat in the armchair letting myself sink in. "Ok, let's do this guys." Piper said eagerly folding her hands in her lap.

* * *


I was sitting at breakfast looking over the camp. There was and icy wind blowing through and it was pretty cold for a regular April day. I could see the storm outside of the camp borders. It was pouring and once in a while a flash of lighting would illuminate the darkened sky. Thunder was rumbling in the distance and you could say this weather was not very enjoyable. What did Hera do this time to piss Zeus off? I gave a half hearted laugh. No one was feeling it this morning. Even my cabin wasn't blowing things up and laugh around like we usually. Wow way to make everyone depressive Zeus. I pulled my leather jacket closer to myself as another icy breeze rushed trough the dining Pavillon. Forcing myself I picked up another scoop of my scrambled eggs and chocked it down. I glanced st the Demeter table and smiled when I caught Katie looking at me. Her stunning green eyes met mine for a moment but then her face flushed red and she returned her attention back to her food. I smiled. She was cute when she blushed. She was always cute. Oh how perfect she was. I just wanted to be with her already but I knew I shouldn't rush it. I really didn't want to mess this up.


The mood at breakfast was gloomy and quite depressive which mirrored the weather perfectly. Even Mr. D wasn't snapping at any satyrs or insulting the campers. He just sat there drumming his fingers on the table sipping the Diet Coke probably wishing it was wine. Although I didn't really understand the mans obsession with Alkohol. I've had some at a few party's at Bunker 9 but it had nearly made me vomit so I tried to stay away from it. The usually loud and cheerful dining Pavillon was now only filled with a few quiet conversations and murmurs. Except a few girls at the Aphrodite table. If I remember correctly their names were Valerie, Chantal and Savanna. Apparently they didn't get the depressive mood memo. They were talking cheerfully about who knows what. Honestly I didn't really care. I wasn't the best of friends with the Aphrodite kids. Let's say we didn't share many interests. Except Piper. She was one of my best friends. I scanned the table again but didn't find her sitting among her siblings. Weird, I thought. Miranda and Connor have been gone all morning too.  I pushed those thoughts away and moved my eyes to the Hermes table. There was Travis his eyes moving over the camp looking devilishly handsome in his leather jacket. He looked a little different today. He wasn't smirking at anyone and he wasn't joking around like he usually did. His expression was thoughtful as if he were someplace else. Anywhere but here. His gaze met mine and he smiled at me. Not a smirk but a smile that made me all fuzzy inside. I could feel my face burning up and I quickly reverted my eyes back to my plate hoping he hadn't seen me blush. Me and Travis had been spending a lot of time together this week. To be honest I quite enjoyed his company. There were moments when I completely forgot our previous feud and it felt so right to be with him. I don't think I've ever laughed so much in my life with anyone else. I smiled at the memory of when Travis had visited me while I was working in the strawberry fields. It was a few days ago but I felt myself looking back to it several times in the past days. I was working in the field when Travis came. He walked next to me as I checked all the rows to make sure there weren't any bugs or weeds delaying the growth of the strawberries.  Travis walked by my side keeping me company. Our conversation varied from this to that but I didn't really care all I knew I was talking to him and j enjoyed it. There was a slight wind sweeping through the camp and a strain of hair fell in my face. He brushed it away and called me cute. I remember my face burning up and I quickly looked down. In that moment I felt embarrassed but the more I kept looking back in it I enjoyed his touch against my skin. The electric sparks that would go through my body and the beats my hear skipped when he looked at me with those stunning blue eyes. I smiled down at my plate. Wow, I was falling real hard for Travis Stoll. And maybe there was a small chance he could even like me back. I shook my head and tried to talk some sense into my brain saying this wasn't some fairytale but my heart kept talking back.

* * *

Well here is an update after almost a billion years!
Yea I'm sorry... But it was a long one so you're welcome!
Wow I wrote 1643 words! That's my longest chapter yet! I apologize if this was maybe all over the place...I wrote it in a span of several days.

Btw make sure to check out the picture on top! It's a Travis Stoll aesthetic collage. Do you guys want me to more of them for the different characters and always put them above? Let me know!

But thank you sooooooo much for 800 reads! This is unbelievable! And thanks so much for all the sweet comments too❤️ I can't believe how much this story is growing. You guys have no idea how much of those comments go straight to my heart!
For any of you guys feel free to PM me and we can fangirl over ships together❤️

A special thank you to
thaliagraceeee one_who_loves_novels MayShadow19
For being my most supportive readers! You guys always stick out in my Notifications feed with all your votes and comments!

If you're interested I have two other fan fictions I'm currently writing on. It would be amazing if you could check them out. One is about Wolfstar and the other about my personal opinions on different ships.

Thanks for reading and until next time,

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