Chapter 12

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I raced into the woods holding Katie's dagger in my hand. She was throwing insults after me but I could hear her beautiful laugh in between them which made it all worth it. My face was plastered with the biggest smile I've probably ever worn. If I smiled any more I was afraid my face might break. Holding the blade end of the dagger in front of me so I wouldn't stab myself if I tripped I ran towards Zeus fist. "Out of breath are you Kit-Kat?" I yelled teasingly behind me. She let out an annoyed grown but I could hear it laced with her laugh. "You're such an idiot Stoll! I'm gonna kill you ok? So make the last minutes of you life worth it ok?" She threatened after me.  "You'll have to catch me first but considering your about 24 feet behind me that seems pretty unlikely KitKat!" I yelled a reply back to her with a crooked grin on my face. I turned my head slightly to look back and saw her roll her eyes. For that split second I didn't pay attention and didn't notice the think tree root that was going straight through my path. "Watch out Stoll!" Katie yelled but I understood her warning too late as my foot had already gotten caught under the root. I catapulted forward and landed straight in my face. Katie who was chasing deathly fast after me didn't have time to stop and landed right on top of me. No, on my back you pervert! Thank god had I thought to turn the dagger so the tip wasn't facing me or things could have ended very differently. With a lot more blood. But they didn't and the blade of the dagger stabbed harmless may into the earth. Sorry grandma! When I pulled my face out of the dirt and turned to the side it met Katie's hand with a hard slap on my cheek. "Ouch!" I mumbled rubbing my hand on my cheek. "That was for being a complete ass and nearly killing yourself you idiot!" She yelled at me with a laugh. But then she wrapped her arms around me which surprised me. "That was for not dying!" She said with a smile and I felt my cheeks heating up. But it was only seconds too late that I realized that hug of hers was also for other intended purposes. She slipped her dagger out of my hand and rolled off me. I was still trying to process what had just happened but she got up and continued running. "Catch me if you can Stoll!" She yelled. I shook my head out of the daze and yelled after her "You don't stand a chance KitKat!" With a big smirk on my face I got up and chased after her. This turned into a game of "run as fast as you can so the other doesn't catch you but if he does then chase him till you get the dagger back." I will admit it was very enjoyable and we definitely scared off all monsters in a mile radius with our childish behavior. When I reached Zeus' fist I scrambled up the rocks and managed to make it to the top without stabbing myself. When I reached the top I had a fine view of the forest. I held my hand in the air that was firmly grasping Katie's dagger that I had managed to acquire from her. "One point for Travis. Zero points to Katie. Travis Stoll wins this round!" I yelled as Katie had managed to reached the top as well standing up next to me. "You cheating idiot! You tripped me! That's not fair play!" She yelled and play punched me in the ribs. "Ouch KitKat! No need to get aggressive. The best just always win!" I teased her and I could see her roll her eyes. "I am actually prepared to punch you in your cocky, self obsessed face right now Travis Stoll!" She said with a slight laugh and fake annoyance. I shook my head and held up my finger in front of her like a teacher would. "Now now Miss Gardner aggression does not solve problems." I said in a mock responsible voice. She rolled her eyes again. "Oh lord please help this hopeless cause!" She said looking up at the sky putting her hands together in a praying position. I smiled at her playing along. "Me? A hopeless cause? You offend me KitKat!" I said in fake exasperation and put a hand on my heart. Adding a gasp for good measure. She shook her head laughing. "Gods, I don't even know where you get that self esteem from!" Katie said raising her eyebrows at me with a laugh. I gasped. "I can't help it if I am naturally gifted can I?" I said holding my nose high. "I don't even know why I decided to put up with you, Stoll!" She said with a grown. "Come in KittyKat! You have to admit, I am pretty hilarious!" I said cracking a grin. "Hilarious? Gods Travis you are no where near funny yet!" She said but I could see the slight smirk on her face.  "Come on! I saw you laughing!" I said sitting down on the rocks. She sat down next to me. "Fine!" She laughed holding her hands up in surrender. "I admit. You might be a little funny. But just a little, so don't get full of yourself!" "A little? Come on I am the funniest person out there! Not to mention the best prankster and I am pretty sneaky at stealing!" I exclaimed. She chuckled.  "When did you start? Stealing I mean. Why do you do it?" Katie asked her face a little more serious now. Her question caught me a little off guard. "It's fun! It's never anything serious plus I mostly give it back. " I answered trying to keep my smirk but I could tell she didn't buy it. "Really?" She asked digging deeper. "Come on Stoll! You can tell me. I promise I won't judge you, ok?" Katie said her voice serious but genuinely kind at the same time. The happy, smirking expression I had had on my face only a few moments ago was gone and replaced by a more serious face that I didn't wear often. "I tried to forget this when Connor and I came to camp and stuff but before that we were all alone. Our mother had passed away when Conor was six and I was eight. We were put in foster homes. Some were actually really nice. Some were some of the most disgusting people I had ever met. So Connor and I ran away. We had to survive on our own. So we stole the things we needed. Food. Clothes that kind of stuff. It lasted for about a little less than a year before a satyr found us and brought us to Camp Halfblood. I've been here a little more than seven years." I finished looking to the side at Katie. She put an arm around my shoulder and said "Why didn't you tell anyone?" It took awhile before I answered. "No one really bothered to ask." I decided to say. She smiled at me. "Well we're friends now so you can tell me anything, ok?" She said. I smiled back but there was twinge if hurt in mine. "Yeah of course. Friends." I said. "Well, come on Travis. I've got to finish my work since you so rudely interrupted me last time." She chuckled raising her eyebrows at me. "Fine. Fine. I'll come with you and help." I laughed and stuck my hand out to her. "Let's get back to work then shall we?" I smirked at her teasingly. I saw a slight blush on her cheeks. "Yes we shall!" She replied laughing and grabbed my hand standing up. And together we walked back to the strawberry fields with a lot more teasing, blushing and laughter.


"Everyone got it?" I asked and saw a nod of heads from Connor and Miranda both with devious smiles of their faces. "This is gonna be good!" Miranda said and I gave her a smile of approval. "Ok guys! Party at Bunker 9 tonight! Let's spread the word!" With that we all filed out the door determinedly, leaving the little Hut on the edge of the woods to rest in peace and quiet once more.


Here's a new update!
And again I'm sorry I know it took longer than planned bla bla bla...
I hope you enjoyed this chapter

What do you think will happen at the party? Comment! 😏

I am writing a few other books and it'd be amazing if you could check them out! Make sure to check out the picture on top! It's a Piper McLean aesthetic collage! (@huntres.of.artemis
is my Instagram fan account)
Don't forget to vote and comment!

Q: What is your favorite PJo ship?
A: Mine is SOLANGELO💀☀️

Have a great day lovelies ;)

Omg I was about to post this chapter and then I saw I have 2k reads on this book? What the hell? Why are so many of you reading my crappie book? Thank you sooooo much❤️

Ok, I'll leave now...

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