Part 8: First Day of School

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Lydia's POV

*3 days later* (Monday)

I walk into the classroom after Adrien and he sits in his usual spot at the front with Nino. "We can make room if you want to sit with us." Nino says politely. "That's okay, I'll find an open seat." I say and walk all the way to the back and sit down. I open my purse under the table to see how Duusu is doing and she gives me thumbs up. I smile at her and close the purse. At that moment someone walks up to me and places their hand on the desk, I look up to see Chloe and Sabrina. "Hey Lyds." She says with her high pitch voice. "Hey." I say to her, trying to be nice. "Why don't you sit with me and Sabrina can sit here." She says and I glance at Sabrina who's standing behind her and looks almost shocked or sad that Chloe's giving away her seat. "No thanks Chloe." I say and she gives me a pout face and walks away.
The teacher walks in and begins class, good thing she didn't introduced me to anyone. I haven't seen Ladybug since the day we meet up at the Eiffel Tower, wonder if she has made up her mind about me yet. I guess I dozed off thinking about it and came back to reality when the teacher asked a question and I heard Marinette answer it correctly. Oh my god... is she... Ladybug?! Same hair style, same voice from what I can remember. I quickly take out my phone and go on it under the desk so it won't be noticeable and find a picture of her online and edit Ladybugs mask over Marinette's face and compare it to a picture of Ladybug. She is Ladybug.

*Later that day*

"Adrien!?" I yell as I get home since he had a free period last class and left school. "Up here!" He yells and I run upstairs and into his room. "I know who it is!" I say and open the door to see him and Nino playing video games. "What's that?" Adrien asks as he's to busy playing. "Never mind, it's not important. I'll be back later." I say. "Okay." He says with his eyes glued to the tv. "Ugh, boys." I say with a sigh and close the door.
I walk into my room and Duusu flies out of my purse. "I know who Ladybug is Duusu. Transform me." I say and I'm engulfed in a blue light. I open my window and it creaks. But it's unlikely that anyone heard me or the window since Adrien and Nino are being loud. I fly out of the window and land on the roof of a tall building looking for Ladybug. Adrien says that they take turns patrolling and call each other when they need to.
*A few hours later* (7:30pm)
Ugh I've been all over this city, TWICE! So much for keeping to your duties and responsibilities... I stop on a roof of a building downtown to take a rest when I hear someone behind me. "What are you doing here?" I hear someone behind me with a familiar voice and I turn around to see Ladybug. "Looking for you." I say and she sits next to me. "Why?" She asks and if sounds just like Marinette. Yup, same height (from what I can tell), same hair and eyes. "I know who you are." I say and I don't bother looking at her expression but I can hear her gasp. "W-what?" She says in a panick. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, Marinette." I say and I look at her to see her in shock and going  paler by the second. "How.." she says but I cut her off. "Same hair, same voice. Wasn't that hard." I say. "Well I guess now you got what you wanted." She says. "I didn't want to know your secret so I have leverage or something. I just wanted to know so that I can have your back even when we are in civilian form." I say and I can see the anger and shock slowly fade away from her face. "I guess that's true. Nothing we can do about it now." "I guess not." I say and we laugh. "Now it's my turn." I say and I detransform as Duusu lands in my lap. "Hey Mari." I say and she detransform a too. "Lydia?" She says and I nod. "Well the timing makes sense I guess. Wait... that means.. your brother.. A-Adrien is CHAT!!!??" She says and the shock comes back to her. I laugh at how nervous she looks. "I guess your crush is crushing on you." I say. "How did you know I liked Adrien." "Sweetie, everyone knows." I say. "Oh my god. What am I gonna do?" "You can tell him?" I say. "But, what if he won't like me as Marinette?" She asks in a worried voice. "Don't worry, he'll see that you are the same person, because you are. And if he doesn't I will personally beat his ass." I say and we both laugh. "Come on, it's time for Chat to find out who his Lady really is." I say standing up and give her my hand and she takes it. We transform and head back to my house.
We go through my room and I don't hear the game anymore so I'm guessing that Nino left. "Adrien?" I yell. "Yea?" He yells back. "Can you come here for a second?" I yell and I detransform and tell Ladybug/Marinette to go in the bathroom just in case Nino is with him. "Yea coming." He says and a second later he opens the door. "Is everything okay?" He asks. "Perfect." I say with a smile and close the door. "I saw Ladybug today." "That's where you were?" "Yes, is Nino here still?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Well, Ladybug and I talked and I found out her identity." I said quickly and continued, not letting him say a word. "And we thought well, may as well tell each other who we are so..." I say and Ladybug comes out of the bathroom blushing, her checks almost as red as her suit. "Ugh, what's happening?" "Hey Chat." She says and detransforms. "Marinette?" He says and walks up to her. "I'm sorry if your disappointed that it's me, but-" she was cut off by Adrien kissing her. "Okay not in my room please." I say and they stop. "Your Ladybug, My Lady. How could I not have seen it before?" He says. "Don't worry, you're not the only one asking that question." I say and Marinette and I laugh. "You're okay with Lydia being part of the team?" He asks her. "Yea, I think we'd make a great team." She says and I smile at her.

Hope you like this chapter!
What do you think will happen now since everyone knows their true identities? Comment your theory!

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