Part 16: Evil Chat

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Lydia's POV

I land on Marinettes balcony and de-transform. Duusu flies out of my necklace and onto my shoulder.
"Marinette!" I say as I walk down the ladder to see her lying in bed since it is late in the evening now.
"Lydia? Is everything okay?" She says sitting up in her bed.
"No. I know who Hawkmoth is and the plan. But something happened to Adrien." I say quickly and sit on the floor and open the laptop to start searching again for anything that can help.

I explain everything to her, how we found the missing page (which I took), how our father is Hawkmoth, the spell, the lair and our mom.

"Oh my gosh... I don't even know what to say. Where's Adrien?" She asks and sits bedside me.
"That's it. He got so angry that it over came him. Marinette, I'm afraid the prophecy is coming true. He's turned. I think when the boogeyman shot him with the darkness it increased his anger. He just needed to get angry enough for the darkness to take effect and turn him evil." I say still on the laptop.
"We need to find him." She says in a panic.
"I'm not worried about him at the moment. We need to find out where my father is, take the miracouls without the big fight then worry about him." I say.
"Wait... I think I found something." I say as I stop typing on the laptop.
"It's about Ladybug and Chat Noir. He has been taking notes about you. About your fighting skills, your gifts, what you look like and about other miracouls." I say and turn the laptop to show her.
"He's obsessed." She says as she read the screen.
"I have a feeling that the big fight against this evil darkness isn't my father. It's Adrien." I say looking at Marinette.

"Come on, we need to go back to my house and wait for father to get back. We need to make a plan." I say.
"I may have a plan." She says and nods.


It's about 1am and we are still waiting for my father to arrive back at home as we hid in the ceiling of his study. According to Adrien this is where he spends 90% of his time. So he will show up sooner or later.
My thought is cut short when we hear the door creak open. I look to see the it my father, Hawkmoth.
"Master, you can't go through with this spell. It's has many consequences." Nooroo says as he flies out of his jacket.
"Nooroo, you don't understand. I'm doing this for Adrien and Lydia. They need their mother back and I need my wife back." He says angrily. I can tell that Nooroo is afraid of him by how he's shaking and flying around.

Marinette creates binoculars for the both of us so we can see the miracouls before we attack as that will give us an extra advantage beside the surprise that we know his identity.
He sits down at his desk but hasn't noticed that the papers have moved since I was snooping for answers. He adjusts his tie enough for us to see that the miraculous pin is hidden behind it.
We nod at each other and pounce out of the shadows in the ceiling and land on his desk.
I create a very bright energy source to blind him while Marinette creates rope to tie him and gag his mouth so he can't speak to transform.
"It's over, Hawkmoth." I say and grab the pin but I get knocked down by something behind me. I look to see Chat, he knocked me over with his baton.
"Chat!" Lady bug says still holding the ropes since father doesn't know who we are.
"Good. You caught him for me. Now leave so I can deal with him properly." Chat says with his hand glowing green. He quickly waves his hand but I had time to create a force field with light and block it.
"It's over Chat. We have the miracouls. You don't need to do this. You can stop before you do anything you regret." Marinette says as I still hold the force field up.
"No he needs to pay for what he did to use. Right father?" He says with a smirk.
"What?" He says as the gag falls out of mouth and around his neck from him trying to move.
"Adrien? Lydia?" He says looking panicked. I nod to him.
"We know you were going to use the miracouls to bring back mom. But you don't understand. Nooroo was right. There are so many consequences and risks you don't know about." I say and look over at Adrien.
"Ladybug. Take him somewhere safe. I'll deal with my brother." I say and open a part of the force field for them to sneak off without Adrien able to get them. Once they've cleared I bring the force field down completely.
"You let him go? He deserves to be punished for what he did to us." He says and waves his hand again. I dodge it and the desk turns into ash when the darkness, the power to destroy hits it.
"Adrien please. This isn't you." I say and stand up off the floor.
"Either get out of my way and tell me where they went, or I'll have to fight you." He says angrily.
"Then I guess you'll have to fight me." I saw as a wave my hand and a blast of pure light hits him and he flies into the wall.
"Ouch." He says and stands up straight. "I guess little sister doesn't want to play fair." He says and runs toward me with his baton in one hand and his other glowing green.
I run towards him and am able to jump over him to dodge his attack and kick him from behind. He stumbles forward and turns around to throw his baton which hits me in the stomach but doesn't do any serious damage.
"Your tougher than you look." He says and throws a punch. I'm able to block it but he brings his other fiat up and hits me in the stomach. I groan and try to ignore the pain. I duck down and trip him. As he falls I back up to regain my though of how to beat him. He is stronger at combat fighting but my power is stronger. Maybe if I hit him with my healing magic it will reverse the darkness from the boogeyman. Adrien stands up and runs towards me again.

I'm not sure how long we've been fight for but it felt like forever. The moon light was still peering through the open window but the entire room is now destroyed. Even the portrait of our mother that was hanging behind the desk in the wall.
"Adrien. Please, you need to stop this." I say as I myself start to loose hope but I know I can't let him win. Or he will be the worlds downfall.


Sorry if this has spelling mistakes... too tired to edit it😂

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