How I Came Up With This..

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How did the title came up to my mind?

Blame it on Bailey May, JK Labajo and Kyle Echarri. If you watched 'We Love OPM: The Celebrity SingOffs' last summer. Yun. Their group was called The Voices Next Door.

This year I started Wattpad, thanks to my lovely friend DoGsMeFAVES26 , she was crazy about Wattpad, so I gave it a try.

Don't hate me but, I literally never watched a single episode of PBS! I know! I hate myself for it!! All I watched was they final episode, when they were announcing the winners. I never thought that I would become a superfan. I never knew any of their names, all I knew was they were part of this really cheesy reality show. I remember when I first saw them perform on tv, that was ASAP, they were performing 'Can't Help Falling In Love' and also on that episode, they announced the #ASAPDateMeBoybandPH, I didn't care. Iwatched them perform, i said to myself, "they can sing naman pala!" I didn't really pay attention to their faces. I was focused on Joao, kasi yung lip ring niya.

Little did I know, on that week's Thursday, I watched the music video for 'Unli' for the first time. I found it cute pero I didn't get to finish the video due to I need to sleep early for my field trip the next day. That Friday, I officially knew who BoybandPH was. Pero hindi PA superfan. The next day, official! Superfan na ko! It was just a coincidence that it was the 11th of February. 2nd Monthsary nila!!

How I came up with the story?

Somewhere around March, I thought about the story.

I was brushing my teeth when the ideas came crashing in my mind. They would have a hiatus, then they all go back to normal lives and they will all move to the same apartment building and hear each other's singing voices through the walls. BOOM! Story idea!!!

I started this book March 4, 2017. And I now find it cringy when I read previous chapters.

I was writing chapters 6, 7 and 8 during exams week. I know! I'm a bad student. Surprisingly, I got good final grades! Lahat 90+ except for one, hindi ko na sasabihin. Clue: hindi sya math!

How I came up with the characters: Jade, Mira and Eliza?

Let's start with Mira, I chose that because I always liked how unique it was and i wanted a really good idea for Tristan's girl. I never really showed her personality here pero, she is very bubbly, very sweet, she'll kick some butt if someone will bring you down.

Eliza, I think i got this name from my classmates, fan na fan sila ng musical na 'Hamilton' ever heard of it? They were obsessed with the character, Eliza. I liked the name and it could be the name that would click with Ford.

Jade, I love that name. I told myself if could change my name it would be Jade. It's just so nice to the ears. And her personality is literally me, introvert at first but when you're really close already, she will just talk and talk and talk until she gets a sore throat.

What about book 2?

Book 2 will be launched somewhere next week, i hope so. I'm a bit preoccupied about my volleyball training and my guitar lessons. Sooooo, I don't know?

Pero I may now announce the title, drumroll.
"The Frenz Of Today"!!!!!!

I called it like that because... you'll find out.

The characters are all the kids of BoybandPH. Jacob, Jazzy, Andrea, Alec, Francis, Bea, Karl and Maureen.

The main characters are Jazzy and Karl, you'll just have to find out why. Sorry pero, I don't want to give spolier alerts!

Will I let go of The Voices Next Door?

Hell No!!! Don't worry!!! I will be posting bonus chapters for the plot points. Like the KissNiel ligawan stage, the famgirling days, how joao and yassi became a thing, ford and eli's first date and more!!! 

Last Author's Note:
Thank you to you all, who have read this since this was first published. Thank you for all the votes and comments they all really mean a lot to me. To my notification squad!!! And to BoybandPH, hindi naman nila mababasa to pero, thanks to them, I am at my happiest today, I am thankful to be a superfan, I am thankful because they have brought a real smile to my face, I am thankful for all they have done to make me happy. And I am inspired to do greater things because of them. There is not a day or time that they are not brushing into my mind. Thank you! Vote and Comment! 😘😘

-Felice 💙💙

'The Voices Next Door'
March 4, 2017
June 19, 2017
By: @felice1012

PS: I'll be publishing a new book! Russell Reyes fanfic!! Please check it out!

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