Nerves [Pt.2]

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The taxi turned into the long driveway of a large building. It slowly came to stop before the driver turned to you and smiled. "Overwatch HQ, just as you asked, Miss. That'll be $25.50," the taxi driver beamed. You quickly yanked out a few notes and pieces of silver change from your pocket and pushed them toward the driver. "Thank you!" You chirped as you grabbed your suitcase from the backseat and shut the door. "Good luck out there," they shouted after you as they pulled away from the curb.
Now, all alone, you weren't sure you could do this.
You exhaled sharply as you began to approach the massive doors at the front of the building. The doors slide open for you as you pressed on forward and into the establishment. You messily scribbled a half-assed signature onto the registration papers and passed by the offices.
Everything was sleek and modern with chrome, white and orange accents in design.
You heard gentle footsteps behind you and before you knew it, a tall blonde-haired woman was standing right beside you with a warm smile. "Hello there! You must be the new recruit, aren't you?" She asked. You went to answer her question but before you could, she spoke again. "I'm Angela Ziegler, the doctor both on and off the field, but please, call me Mercy!" She added before stopping to finally breath. "O-Oh! It's nice to meet you, Ms. Zie- Sorry, Mercy. My name is F/N L/N," you replied with an awkward smile. She continued to speak to you briefly but you became slightly light-headed from all the excitement.
"Oh dear, Miss L/N are you feeling alright?" Mercy questioned with a concerned tone. Before you could muster up a reply, another voice drowned yours. "Hmpf, injured already new recruit? Don't let Ziegler there get her hands on ya, you might end up like me," grunted the mysterious voice.
Mercy seemed to tense up a bit at what was said. She shook her head and sighed as she wrapped her arm around your weak frame to support you. "Don't listen to that man, he speaks only nonsense..." she mumbled. You glanced over your shoulder to see a somewhat gothic figure disappearing into the halls. He was cloaked in black and hooded, almost as if he was an assassin. You gently pulled around from Mercy's gripped and hugged. "Sorry for scaring you, first day nerves," you nervously blurted out, "Well, I should get going! Gotta find my room. Bye Mercy!" You added as you began to run off. You hesitated slightly, wondering if you should follow that mysterious man. You were curious as to why he didn't seem to like Dr. Ziegler much but you were also extremely scared of him. "Not right now, Y/N," you mumbled to yourself. Your paced slowed down significantly as you approached a corridor that seemed to contain the staff dorms. Your eyes examined the corridor, look for your room, Dorm C-3. You stood in the middle of area, looking utterly confused. "Yo!" Greeted a tall, almost robotic looking man. "My name is Genji Shimada, you seem to be lost, may I help you?" Asked the tall man with a cheerful tone as he spoke through a mechanical voice. "Hey! I'm Y/N, nice you meet you! But yeah, I'm a little lost. Do you know where Dorm C-3 is?" You asked Genji, pointing to the number on your key tag.
"Ah, yes! Right this way, Y/N" the said as he had already begun to trot down the hall and around the corner. "And this would be it, right next door to D.Va and Reaper!" He said as he stood beside the door of your room.
"Thanks Genji- uh- wait what does Reaper look like?" You asked as your mind started to wander.
"Oh, he looks quite menacing. Black leather cloak, skull-like mask, shotguns, tall. He's not all that bad.. just don't make him angry or talk to often or... Maybe just avoid him for now," Genji stuttered as he spoke, as if he were scared of this man coming around the corner at any moment.
"Well, thanks Genji. I hope to see you around sometime!" You grinned as you swiped the key card to your room and the door slid open.
"Goodbye, YN!" Genji replied as the door closed
You plopped down on your bed with a heavy sigh. "Seriously, why this room?" You groaned as you flopped onto your back.
"Shut it with the complaining, you brat," spoke a familiar, croaky voice from the room next to yours.
'Oh shit...'
Hey all!!
Sorry about the massive delay between updates <3
I'm sorry if this one was really bad. I've having massive trouble thinking lately so that's probably why lmao.
School holidays is coming up soon so hopefully I'll be able to update every 2-3 days then.
Love you all!
- Ally ;)

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