Different [Pt. 10]

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Being a real Overwatch agent, you were expected to perform everything to a high standard.
You were expected to wake up early, being at training on time, submit all your paperwork before or on the due date. If you didn't put your 100% effort into everything, punishments could be expected.
This morning, you were doing the most boring thing you were tasked with.
You sat in a state that was between boredom and being half asleep as you lazily drew your signature on this same line across all the sheets of paper. You yawned as you continued the same repetitive process over and over, slowly letting your eyelids falls over your eyes, putting you into a heavy coma-like sleep.
Images and thoughts of Gabriel were all you dreamt of, until the door to your small room burst open. "G-Gabe?" You mumbled as you rubbed your eyes.
"Uh- no. It's Morrison. I've come to tell you that you and a few other agents will be sent on a mission late tonight. So, try to pack your bags early so we aren't held up at departure," He stated sternly.
The brashness of his command startled you, yet, it was rather exciting.
You were the newest Overwatch member and, it was already time for your first real mission. "Y-Yes sir!" You managed to murmur through a large, comical grin. The commander gave a small nod before turning to leave. As he exited, you sprung up and let out a scream of sheer excitement.
"Yes! Finally!" You sung as you started to dance around your cramped room.
"Shut it, can't an undead man get some rest around here?" Groaned the scratchy voice of the man who inhabited the room next to yours. You giggled quietly, "Sorry Gabriel!"
You tried to hold in the excitement in an attempt to appease Gabriel in his grumpy sat but, it all came bursting out again with once high pitched squeak.
"Y/N!" Gabriel growled.
"Sorry!" You replied with a sarcastic drone.
"All agents that I have spoken to about the mission, please report to the common room," announced Morrison over the loud speaker. You tossed the pen down on your desk and sprung up, still excited as ever.
Walking out, familiar faces turned to look at yours. Among them, stood Genji. He gave a polite little wave before he redirected his attention to Jack Morrison. Loud and angry sounding footsteps thumped their way into the common room.
"Reyes, nice for you to finally join us," Morrison scolded in a passive-aggressive tone. The dark man grunted and proceeded on, seemingly ignoring the commander.
You turned to look at Gabriel, slightly concerned about him.
What was up with him today? I mean, his usual attitude was that of a teenager going through his emo phase, yet today he seemed more moody and miserable than usual. You begun to shuffle over to him to ask what was up but before you could even utter a word, Jack Morrison spoke again, completely drowning you out.
"As you all know, you've been selected for a mission. You'll be tasked with breaking into a Ex-Talon base to reclaim stolen equipment. That's why Reaper will be assisting you. He is an ex-Talon affiliate," Morrison announced.
Some members turned to look at Reaper with disgruntled and disapproving expressions.
Despite being an Overwatch agent now, your knowledge about Talon was very vague and still partly shrouded in mystery. The only real information on the organisation that you knew what that they were at arms with Overwatch and were a cause for concern.
Something you never knew was that Gabriel was an ex affiliate. Honestly, it didn't come as that much of a surprise. Evil and edgy looking, basically Talon's poster child, right?
Your odd thoughts were interrupted by a hand landing firmly on your shoulder. "Congratulations! I'm glad you share this mission with you," he mused. You smiled up at the man before replying, "Thank you Genji!"
Before long, the commander started briefing on what was to happen on the mission.
You broke free from the crowd in the common room shuffled away, suddenly forming a sense of nervousness as the clocked ticked over, drawing nearer to the time you were scheduled to leave.
What if you got hurt? What if Genji got hurt? What if... Gabriel got hurt?
Sudden strings of fearful thoughts rushed through your head.
Were you truly ready for this?
Hey guys! Thank you for 1.5k+
It mean sooo much that y'all actually like my story <3
I love you all and thank you very much! Next chapter coming soon 💕

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